The STARWALKER Competence Centre
is oriented on research for countermeasures solutions against
space environment related physiological impairments (cardio-vascular
decompensation, calcium loss, muscle volume and force loss etc.)
as well as mental-volitional impairments (cognitive, psychological,
psycho-social, decrease of fast and adequate response etc.).
STARWALKER specific niche is the use, in the countermeasures
benefit, of the real-time, information-feedback, computer-assisted,
neuromuscular and mental control training.
It is to be noted that results (research, methods, devices)
in countermeasures field have an important transfer potential
for terrestrial spin-off in the field of recovery medicine,
disabilities assistance, age-related and degenerative diseases
treatment as well as for demanding professions such as critical
intervention personnel or extreme and high performance sports
The STARWALKER Competence Centre develops intense education,
awareness and international cooperation actions and, globally,
targets the increase of the Romanian Space Community capability
to participate in ESA activities and is seeking for national
and international co-operators for research and applications
in such an interdisciplinary field.