We define Human Performance as the
"concept referring the human being capabilities to face
and adapt to conditions beyond its physiological and ontological
conditioning" .
Training Human Performance means "adapting the human physiology
and psychology to face extreme (internal as well as environmental
conditions" that range from mere illness, injuries, disability,
age, to demanding professional exposure and Space-related human
affectations originating in MICE - Microgravity, Isolation and
Reclusion Environment during human spaceflight. More about HUP. |
The concept of Information Anthropology
states and fundaments that, in the human being physiology as
well as in the conscious and unconscious cognition, the interaction
of information fluxes (regardless the material support) could
explain observables and, more than that, could give methodological
direction to act upon (i.e. to train).
The author proposed a system theory based model of the human
being as a system that stream information within the human being
itself (proprioception, mental reflection and representations
etc.) and in interaction with the environmental information
(generally speaking: the information related to the environment,
from sensorial to cognitive).
The Information Anthropology model allows to explain and directs
the use of experiential phenomena (the training transfer, the
symmetric back-training, the systemic effect etc.) related to
the neuro-muscular control training and to the mental control
training. |
CASINOR is a methodological training,
a specific bio-feedback type of training by inserting the human
being (considered an information system according to the Information
Anthropology model) into a computer driven feedback loop that
automatically acquire movement and cognitive information provided
by the human subject and feed, in real time, sensorial information
provided by the computer with destination the human subject.
The CASINOR methodology allows learning or reorganising motric
and cognitive patterns and recovery of motric and sensorial
functions with important meta-stability (remanence). More about