We have organized "Starwalker
General Seminaries" to change scientific information in
quest of perspective solutions and project propositions for
countermeasures an terrestrial spin-off interdisciplinary research
and applications |
- 21 January 2015 - The
Psycho-neuro-motor approach in understanding and developing
Human Performance Seminar presented by Prof. Dr.
Pierre de Hillerin - read
more. Presentation .pdf is available here. |
- 25 February 2015 - "Management
of informational interaction in the soma-psyche complex
and in relation to the environment" Seminar presented
by Eng. Dr. Vlad Valeanu- read
more. Presentation .pdf is available here. |
- 28 April 2015 - "Markov
Chains. Applications to cognitive processes embedded in
Human Performance" Seminar presented by Prof. Dr.
Alexandru Agapie- read
more. Presentation .pdf is available here. |
We have provided knowledge assistance
and experimental support for ongoing and finished PhD and Master
Systems Engineering and
Organizational Assessment Solutions for Corporate Entrepreneurship
in Telemedicine Context, The Bucharest University
of Economic Studies, Eng. PhD Cristian Vizitiu. |
Contributii privind modelarea
raspunsului aparaturii de antrenare asistata de calculator
în sprijinul explorarii spatiului cu echipaj uman,
Universitatea Politehnica University Bucharest,
PhD fellow Eng. Mihaela Marin. |
Neuronal Plasticity and
the Cognitive Modifiability in Behavioral Learning and
Correction, University of Pitesti, PhD fellow Psychologist
Cristina Ciurea. |
"Techniques and methods
of non-invasive assessment of skeletal muscle passive
mechanical properties at cosmonauts and athletes"
University of Pitesti, PhD fellow Physicist. Alexandru
Nistorescu. |
UMF Gr. T. Popa
Iasi, Clinical Bioengineering Master programme, master
Physicist. Alexandru Nistorescu. |
Politehnica University
Bucharest, Multimedia Technologies for Biometric and Information
Security Applications Master programme, master fellow
Eng. Adrian Dinculescu. |
Mrs. Mihaela Marin and Mr. Alexandru
Nistorescu, our researchers, have been tutors for students during
two POSDRU Projects in cooperation with Politehnica University
of Bucharest. The objective of these projects was to: "conduct
joint educational activities and scientific research and implementation
of programs of education and professional training in order
to improve insertion in the labor market to students involved
in the study within engineering sciences by developing practical
skills of these and correlating labor market needs as part of
their transition from school to active life." |