On Wednesday, March 15th 2023 I had the pleasure of giving a talk a the bi-monthly Astronomical Institutes' Scientific Seminar. The subject of the talk was "Low-Latency Pipelines for LISA Mission - A Deep Learnig Approapch" and during this talk I have presented the results and current status of our deep-learning based low-latency algorithms for the detection and characterisation of gravitational wave data and their performance in the case of LISA-like data.
For the entire month of March, the Institute of Space Science there will be visited periodically by groups of school and kindergarten children, for the event called “Scoala Altfel”/“Different Kind of School”. More about our group’s implication in this activity you can found on LISA ISS-Sci’s webpage.
On March 15th I have been invited and will gladly participate as a speaker to the Scientific
Seminar of the Astronomical Institute, with the talk “Low-Latency Pipelines for LISA Mission - A Deep Learnig Approapch"
When, in 2017, the collision of two neutron stars was first announced by the emitted gravitational waves detected by LIGO/VIRGO collaboration, followed by gamma-rays, radio, optical, UV and X-ray messengers detected by several ground and space missions, it became obvious that multi-messenger astronomy is the key to significantly increase our understanding about a space event and the underlying mechanism that has produced it.
In order to enable the multi-messenger view of an event we need to be able to perform a fast and reliable analysis and interpretation of the data coming from an observatory end emit low-latency alerts towards other available observatories.
This is also one key objectives of LISA Mission and, in this
presentation, I will show the results and current status of our deep-learning based low-latency algorithms for the detection and characterization of gravitational wave data and their performance in the case of LISA-like data.
The developed algorithms could be also employed and it is our intention to test them also for other current and future gravitational wave observatories.
On March 29th I have been invited by AFIST and I will participate as a mentor to the launching of the Mentorship Programme 2023: “AIM for Inspiration and Success Through Mentorship”.
Our group at the Institute of Space Science, LISA ISS-Sci, was one of the five finalists in the “Young Research Teams" Category at the competition organised at the first edition of the Romanian Research Gala, by the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization in Romania, which took place on January 31st, 2023, at the Romanian Athenaeum.
We are very proud of this, especially since more than 500 applications were received for all categories and we made it to the top 26 or so finalists.
More details about the event and our participation can be found on our group’s web page or on the Institute’s Facebook page.
On February 2nd we will attend the first edition of the Romanian Research Gala, by the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization in Romania. Our group at the Institute of Space Science, LISA ISS-Sci, is one of the five finalists in the “Young Research Teams" Category at the competition organised during this event.
February marks the beginning of a three-month period of outreach events the annual “Different School” activities. On February 28th a group of high-school students will visit our Institute. More about our group’s implication in this activity you can found on LISA ISS-Sci’s webpage.