LISA Science Group, Institute of Space Science
My current research activity is related to the development of artificial intelligence based low-
latency pipelines for fast processing and characterisation of the gravitational wave signals. I am
also interested and working on implementing these pipelines on space qualified hardware such as
GPUs and FPGAs, to test the advantages of a possible on-bord data analysis and adapt them for
data detected by other present and future gravitational waves observatories.
I am also involved in developing quantum machine-learning based low-latency pipelines for
gravitational wave observatories.
A list of my most important publications can be found here.
PhD in Physics 04/2004 - 04/2012*
Faculty of Physics, Bucharest University
Thesis title: “Study of the Complementarities Between the Cosmic Microwave background(CMB)
Measurements and the Large Scale Structure(LSS) Data: Cosmological Implications”
*period includes 2 years of maternity leave
MSc in Physics 09/2001 - 10/2003
Faculty of Physics, Bucharest University (Atoms, Molecules and Astrophysics Dept.) &
Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy, Bonn (Theory Group)
Thesis title: “Modelling the High Energy Cosmic Ray Spectrum"Diploma in Physics”
BSc in Physics 10/1997 - 06/2001
Faculty of Physics, Bucharest University (Atoms, Molecules and Astrophysics Dept.)
Thesis title: "Study of Cepheid Variables"
Highschool degree 09/1993 - 07/1997
“Dimitrie Cantemir” Highschool, Bucharest
Research Scientist (CS III) since 01/ 2020
Institute of Space Science, Romania - Laboratory of High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and
Advanced Technologies - LISA Science Group
Main activities and responsibilities:
- Management: participation to project proposal writing, scientific and financial planning, yearly financial projection, co-management of the group, work package leader in group’s projects, outreach activities coordinator, procurement activities.
- Technical: hardware (computer, servers, storage, peripherals) and software (OS, scripts, programs) setup and maintenance, website development and maintenance, communication with the IT department.
- Scientific: development of pipelines for data analysis(LISA Mission), development of artificial neural networks, data science, quantum computing, PA/QA, dissemination of the results to national and international conferences, article writing.
Research Scientist (CS III) 04/2015 - 01/ 2020
Institute of Space Science, Romania - Laboratory of High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and
Advanced Technologies - Hight Energy, Spaceweather and Detectors (SWESDET) Group
Main activities and responsibilities:
- Management: participation to project proposal writing, scientific and financial planning, yearly
financial projection, coordination of the younger members of the group, work package leader in
group’s projects, outreach activities coordinator, procurement activities, student coordination
- Technical: hardware (computer, servers, storage, peripherals) and software (OS, scripts, programs) setup and maintenance, website development and maintenance, communication with the IT department.
- Scientific: development of pipelines for scientific data analysis(PROBA 3/ASPIICS Mission), development, development of a service (FORIND) for the real-time provision of nowcasts and forecasts of geomagnetic and solar indices needed for atmospheric modelling in support of atmospheric drag calculation (ESA SWE Programme), service maintenance and second line support , data science, scientific modelling (JEM-EUSO Collaboration), PA/QA (PROBA 3/ASPIICS Mission), dissemination of the results to national and international conferences, article writing.
Research Scientist (CS III) 06/2008 - 04/ 2015
Institute of Space Science, Romania - Laboratory of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics -
Cosmology Group
Main activities and responsibilities:
- Management: participation to project proposal writing, scientific and financial planning, outreach activities coordinator, procurement activities, coordination of diploma students.
- Technical: hardware (computer, servers, storage, peripherals) and software (OS, scripts, programs) setup and maintenance, website development and maintenance, communication with the IT department.
- Scientific: modelling and data analysis(Planck Mission, EUCLID Mission), dissemination of the results to national and international conferences, contribution to article writing.
Junior Scientist (CS) 06/2005 - 06/2008
Institute of Space Science, Romania - Laboratory of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics -
Cosmology Group
Main activities and responsibilities:
- Technical: hardware (computer, servers, storage, peripherals) and software (OS, scripts, programs) setup and maintenance, website development and maintenance, communication with the IT department.
- Scientific: scientific modelling and data analysis(Planck Mission, EUCLID Mission), dissemination of the results to national and international conferences, contribution to article writing, participation to outreach events.
Research Assistant (ACS) 10/2002 - 06/2005
Institute of Space Science, Romania - Laboratory of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics -
Cosmology Group
Main activities and responsibilities:
- Technical: hardware (computer, servers, storage, peripherals) and software (OS, scripts,
programs) setup and maintenance, website development and maintenance, communication with
the IT department.
- Scientific: scientific modelling and data analysis - development of MCMC and Boltzmann codes to test different cosmological models(Planck Mission), dissemination of the results to national and international conferences, contribution to article writing, participation to outreach events.
Research Assistant (ACS) 10/2001 - 09/2002
Max-Planck Institute for Radioastronomy, Germany - Theory Group
Main activities and responsibilities:
- Scientific: scientific modelling and validation of the high energy cosmic ray spectrum