



Curiculum Vitae

Last updated:  05/02/2023



LISA Science Group, Institute of Space Science 

High Energy Astrophysics and Advanced Technologies Laboratory




         My current research activity is related to the development of artificial intelligence based low- 

        latency pipelines for fast processing and characterisation of the gravitational wave signals.  I am     

        also interested and working on implementing these pipelines on space qualified hardware such as 

        GPUs and FPGAs, to test the advantages of a possible on-bord data analysis and adapt them for 

        data detected by other present and future gravitational waves observatories.

       I am also involved in developing quantum machine-learning based low-latency pipelines for 

        gravitational wave observatories.



   A list of my most important publications can be found here.   



        PhD in Physics                                                                                                                                       04/2004 - 04/2012*

        Faculty of Physics, Bucharest University

        Thesis title: “Study of the Complementarities Between the Cosmic Microwave background(CMB)

        Measurements and the Large Scale Structure(LSS) Data: Cosmological Implications”      

         *period includes 2 years of maternity leave


        MSc in Physics                                                                                                                                       09/2001 - 10/2003

        Faculty of Physics, Bucharest University (Atoms, Molecules and Astrophysics Dept.) & 

        Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy, Bonn (Theory Group)

        Thesis title: Modelling the High Energy Cosmic Ray Spectrum"Diploma in Physics”


        BSc in Physics                                                                                                                                          10/1997 - 06/2001

        Faculty of Physics, Bucharest University (Atoms, Molecules and Astrophysics Dept.) 

        Thesis title: "Study of Cepheid Variables"


        Highschool degree                                                                                                                                09/1993 - 07/1997

        “Dimitrie Cantemir” Highschool, Bucharest



       Research Scientist (CS III)                                                                                                                      since  01/ 2020

         Institute of Space Science, Romania - Laboratory of High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and               

         Advanced Technologies - LISA Science Group

         Main activities and responsibilities


         Research Scientist (CS III)                                                                                                        04/2015 -  01/ 2020

         Institute of Space Science, Romania - Laboratory of High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and               

         Advanced Technologies - Hight Energy, Spaceweather and Detectors (SWESDET) Group

         Main activities and responsibilities: 

         financial projection, coordination of the younger members of the group,  work package leader in     

         group’s  projects, outreach activities coordinator, procurement activities, student coordination               

          Research Scientist (CS III)                                                                                                        06/2008 -  04/ 2015

         Institute of Space Science, Romania - Laboratory of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics -   

         Cosmology Group

         Main activities and responsibilities: 


            Junior Scientist (CS)                                                                                                                06/2005 - 06/2008

            Institute of Space Science, Romania - Laboratory of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics -   

            Cosmology Group

            Main activities and responsibilities:                     

            Research Assistant (ACS)                                                                                                     10/2002 - 06/2005

            Institute of Space Science, Romania - Laboratory of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics -   

            Cosmology Group

            Main activities and responsibilities:                     

             programs) setup and maintenance, website development and maintenance, communication with

             the IT department. 

            Research Assistant (ACS)                                                                                                     10/2001 - 09/2002

            Max-Planck Institute for Radioastronomy, Germany -   Theory Group

            Main activities and responsibilities:                     

            TO  BE CONTINUED