



 Ana Caramete, PhD


Currently I have a permanent position as a Researcher at the Institute of Space Science in Romania. I am a member of ESA's LISA Mission Consortium, with activities in LISA Science, LISA Data Processing and LISA Data Challenge groups.

I have a PhD in Physics in the field of Cosmology, with the thesis “Study of the Complementarities Between the Cosmic Microwave background (CMB) Measurements and the Large-Scale Structure (LSS) Data: Cosmological Implications”. I have been involved in ESA’s EUCLID and PROBA-3/APSIICS space missions and did my PhD in the context of Planck Mission. 

I have expertise in scientific data analysis, cosmological simulations and theoretical modelling and development of scientific data processing pipelines. 

My main research activity within LISA Mission Consortium is related to the development of artificial intelligence based low-latency pipelines for fast processing and characterisation of the signals detected by LISA. This can be use to generate low-latency alerts for other space or Earth observatories in the context of multi-messenger observations. This activity is related to the activities within the Low-Latency Pipelines Working Package (WP4) of the LISA Science Working Group. I am also interested and working on implementing these pipelines on space qualified hardware such as GPUs and FPGAs, to test the advantages of a possible on-bord data analysis and adapt them for data detected by other present and future gravitational waves observatories.

Also, I am involved in developing quantum machine-learning based low-latency pipelines for LISA and other future gravitational wave observatories.

Last but not least, I participate in several outreach activities and projects, both as a teacher/speaker and a developer of outreach content for children and general public.





Curriculum Vitae

Contact Information

Laboratory of High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and Advanced Technologies 

Map Pin Institute of Space Science,                           str. Atomistilor, no. 409, 077125, Magurele, Romania

Phone Flip +40214574471



