The Astrophysics,  Space  Exploration and Quantum Computing Group   


The Astrophysics,  Space  Exploration and Quantum Computing Group   


From May 31 to June 3, ASPACE-Q attended SpaceFEST at the Polytechnic University. The group presented scientific posters, allowed visitors to generate their own gravitational wave signals using the gravitational waves simulator, and guided children through the Solar System using VR and a space quiz.


‍                 On May 12, the finals of "Games of Science" were held. Maria Ișfan won a special award for visionary attitude, and Răzvan Balașov received a special award for …












‍                    The ASPACE-Q team participated in the science outreach event Astrofest on May 17-18 . Children experienced a guided VR tour of the Solar System and participated in a space quiz.












‍                    Răzvan Balașov spoke on the TVR2 program “Educația la putere” on May 20.


                    During April 3-5, Laurențiu Caramete, Florentina Pîslan, and Maria Ișfan attended the second edition of the "Terrestrial Very-Long-Baseline Atom Interferometry" workshop in London, UK. Florentina and Maria presented posters titled “Catalogue of Mid-Frequency Gravitational Wave Emitting Astrophysical Sources: an AION and AEDGE Edition” and “Quantum Neural Networks Data Analysis Tools for Fast Gravitational Waves Detection” respectively.

                    On April 17, 23, and 24, ASPACE-Q, welcomed pupils groups as part of “Școala Altfel” program. They participated in activities using VR tours of the Solar System, quizzes featuring space questions, and gravitational waves simulations.


‍                On March 1, Maria Ișfan participated in the scientific communication in both short and very short sessions contest Games of Science. She won second place, qualifying for the competition’s final.














‍                The Ambassador of South Korea visited the Institute of Space Science - INFLPR subsidiary on March 7. The ASPACE-Q team presented the LISA Space Mission and their contributions to it, using both a presentation and the gravitational wave simulator.



‍                    On March 17, Răzvan Balașov also participated in Games of Science and won first place, advancing to the final.
















‍                 On March 27, ASPACE-Q hosted groups of pupils as part of the “Școala Altfel” program. The pupils learned about space using the gravitational waves simulator, a VR tour of the Solar System, and a quiz featuring questions about space.


On February 27, we welcome ESA project officer Atul . The team reported on the activities carried out during the previous year.

Contact us at:

 iss dash sci at spacescience dot ro