The Astrophysics,  Space  Exploration and Quantum Computing Group   


The Astrophysics,  Space  Exploration and Quantum Computing Group   



                    During April 3-5, Laurențiu Caramete, Florentina Pîslan, and Maria Ișfan attended the second edition of the "Terrestrial Very-Long-Baseline Atom Interferometry" workshop in London, UK. Florentina and Maria presented posters titled “Catalogue of Mid-Frequency Gravitational Wave Emitting Astrophysical Sources: an AION and AEDGE Edition” and “Quantum Neural Networks Data Analysis Tools for Fast Gravitational Waves Detection” respectively.

                    On April 17, 23, and 24, ASPACE-Q, welcomed pupils groups as part of “Școala Altfel” program. They participated in activities using VR tours of the Solar System, quizzes featuring space questions, and gravitational waves simulations.

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 iss dash sci at spacescience dot ro