Curriculum vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s): Ișfan Maria-Cătălina
Address(es): RO-077125, Bucharest-Măgurele,
Telephone(s): +40 (0)21 4574077
Fax(es): +40 (0)21 4574471
E-mail: mariaisfan|at|
Nationality: Romanian
Date of birth: 2 June 1999
Work experience
2021 – present: Research Assistant at the Institute of Space Science
I started studying Quantum Computing in order to help the implementing of
Neural Networks
on quantum devices (real and simulated), as a part of the data processing
from LISA space mission.
Type of business or sector: Research and development
Education and training
Master of Science in Physics student, at the Theoretical and
Computational Physics program
Name and type of organization providing education and training: Faculty
of Physics, University of Bucharest
Title of qualification awarded: Bachelor of Science in Physics
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered: General knowledge of
Name and type of organization providing education and training: Faculty
of Physics, University of Bucharest
Thesis title: “The Hall Effect: from classical aspects to quantum and
topological properties”
Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue(s): Romanian
Other language(s): English
Organizational skills and competences
Participated to several scientific popularization events: “Researchers
Night” (2021), “Școala de Știință
și Tehnică de la Măgurele
Computer skills and competences
Operating systems: WINDOWS, Android
Programming languages: Python, Fortran, C++
Other soft packages: Matlab, Mathematica,
National and
international schools and conferences
2021 – Bucharest University
Faculty of Physics 2021 Meeting, oral presentation with the title “The quantum
Hall effect - topological properties of the single-particle wave
function. The Hall resistance”, 18 June