01. Roberto Bruno, INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali, Italy
Observing MHD turbulence phenomenology in 3D heliosphere [PDF] [PPTX]
02. Tom Chang, MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, USA
Introduction to space plasma complexity [PDF] [PPTX]
03. Giuseppe Consolini, INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali, Italy
Intermittency, complexity and criticality in Earth's magnetospheric dynamics
04. Marius Echim, Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy and Institute of Space Science, Belgium and Romania
Data analysis techniques for turbulence and intermittency
Solar system turbulence, intermittency and multifractals from in-situ observations at the minimum and maximum of the solar cycle [PDF] [PPT]
05. Fabio Giannattasio, Institute for Space Astrophysics and Planetology, Italy
Dependence of multifractal features of auroral electrojet index on solar cycle [PDF]
06. Hiroshi Hasegawa, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA, Japan
Generation of turbulence in Earth’s magnetosphere [PDF] [PPTX]
07. Jay Johnson, Princeton University, USA
Waves in space plasmas
08. Peter Kovacs, Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary, Hungary
Spatial and temporal monitoring of the intermittent dynamics in the terrestrial foreshock [PDF] [PPTX]
Data analysis techniques for turbulence and intermittency
09. Anthony Lui, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA
Multi-facet of magnetospheric phenomena [PDF] [PPTX]
10. Wieslaw M. Macek, Space Research Centre, Poland
Multifractal and intermittent turbulence in space environment
Introduction to fractals, chaos, intermittency, and multifractal turbulence
11. Eckart Marsch, IEAP, Christian-Albrechts-University at Kiel, Germany
Plasma turbulence [PDF]
12. Kalevi Mursula, University of Oulu, Finland
Large scale structure of the solar wind [PDF]
13. Yasuhito Narita, Space Research Institute, Austria
Revisiting Taylor's frozen−in flow hypothesis and anisotropy in space plasma turbulence [PDF]
14. Catalin Negrea, University of Colorado, USA
On the effect of data gaps on the spectral analysis [PDF] [PPTX]
15. Andres Spicher, University of Oslo, Norway
Plasma turbulence, intermittency and wave coupling in the polar cap based on the ICI−2 sounding rocket experiment [PDF]
16. Sorin J. Talasman, Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
On the dynamics of a space charge structure in a plasma similar to an ionosphere plasma [PDF] [PPT]
17. Sunny W. Y. Tam, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Intermittency analysis and spatial dependence of magnetic field disturbances in the fast solar wind [PDF] [PPT]
18. Chihiro Tao, IRAP, Université de Toulouse / UPS-OMP / CNRS, France
Properties of Jupiter's magnetospheric turbulence observed by the Galileo spacecraft [PDF] [PPTX]
19. Bruce Tsurutani, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
Observations of the microstructure of the solar wind and their geomagnetic effects
20. Mirela Voiculescu, University Dunarea de Jos Galati, Romania
Postmidnight trough in summer and link to solar wind: how, when and why? [PDF] [PPT]
21. Gabriel Voitcu, Institute of Space Science, Romania
Test-kinetic and particle-in-cell simulations of localized plasma and field structures and their interactions [PDF] [PPTX]
22. Zoltan Vörös, Space Research Institute, Austria
Flux tubes, magnetic reconnection and turbulence in the solar wind [PDF] [PPT]
23. Anna Wawrzaszek, Space Research Centre PAS, Poland
Intermittency beyond the ecliptic plane [PDF] [PPTX]
24. Emiliya Yordanova, Swedish Institute of Physics, Sweden
Space plasma turbulence in the terrestrial magnetosheath [PDF]