Exotic super-massive particles in Neutrino Telescopes





Summary: The goal of this project is to define, develop and implement the search for super-massive, Slowly Moving exotic Particles (SMPs) as GUT magnetic monopoles (MMs), nuclearites and Q-balls with very large volume neutrino telescopes (VLVnT): ANTARES in present and KM3NeT in the future.

The main objective is naturally divided in 3 principal objectives:

ANTARES is fully deployed since June 2009, south of Toulon (France) at a depth of 2500 m, and taking data. Our commitment is to keep ANTARES working at least till the next Mediterranean VLVnT (KM3NeT) will be able to take its place, as being the only very large neutrino telescope in the Northern hemisphere (IceCube, is at the South Pole). The first major ANTARES results are going to be published in the next future. KM3NeT will be a 6 km3 instrumented volume neutrino telescope, to be deployed starting 2013 or 2014. It is included in the ESFRI priority list, and among the “7 Magnificent” of the ASPERA roadmap.

Published papers

1. J. Aguilar … V. Popa, et al. (ANTARES Coll.), A method for detection of muon induced electromagnetic

showers with the ANTARES detector, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 675 (2012) 56-62

2. S. Adrian-Martinez … V. Popa, et al. (ANTARES Coll.), Search for relativistic magnetic monopoles with

the ANTARES neutrino telescope, Astropart. Phys. 35 (2012) 634-640

3. S. Adrian-Martinez … V. Popa, et al. (ANTARES Coll.) Measurement of atmospheric neutrino oscillations

with the ANTARES neutrino telescope Phys. Lett. B 714 (2012) 224 - 230

4. S. Adrian-Martinez … V. Popa, et al. . (ANTARES Coll.) Measurement of the Group Velocity of Light in

Sea Water at the ANTARES Site Astropart. Phys. 35 (2012) 552-557

5. M. Ageron … V. Popa, et al. (ANTARES Coll.) The ANTARES Telescope Neutrino Alert System

Astropart. Phys 35 (2012) 530-536

6. S. Adrian-Martinez … V. Popa, et al. . (ANTARES Coll.) The positioning system of the ANTARES

neutrino telescope J. of Instrumentation 7 (2012) T08002

7. S. Adrian-Martinez … V. Popa, et al. . (ANTARES Coll.) Search for Neutrino Emission from Gamma-Ray

Flaring Blazars with the ANTARES Telescope Astropart. Phys. 36 (2012) 204-210

8. S. Adrian-Martinez … V. Popa, et al. . (ANTARES Coll.) Search for cosmic neutrino point sources with

four years of data from the ANTARES telescope, Ap. J. 760:53 (2012) 10p

9. S. Adrian-Martinez … V. Popa, et al. . (ANTARES Coll.) Detection potential of the KM3NeT detector for

high-energy neutrinos from the Fermi Bubbles Astroparticle Physics, Volume 42, p. 7-14 (2013)

10. S. Adrian-Martinez … V. Popa, et al. . (ANTARES Coll.) A first search for coincident gravitational waves

and high energy neutrinos using LIGO, Virgo and ANTARES data from 2007 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle

Physics, Issue 06, article id. 008, pp. (2013)

Public talks at international conferences

1. G. E. Pavalas, Search for massive exotic particles with the ANTARES neutrino telescope, 22

European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Moscova 2012. Accepted for publication in J. of Phys. Conf. Series

2. L. A. Popa, Cosmological implications of neutrino mass hierarchy, ORCA Workshop, Catania 2012

3. L.I. Caramete, GUT magnetic monopoles, ANTARES collaboration meeting, Bologna, 2012

4. G. E. Pavalas, Nuclearite searches with ANTARES, Exotic Physics with Neutrino Telescopes, Marsilia, 2013

5. L.I. Caramete, The search for GUT Magnetic Monopols and quantum black holes, Exotic Physics with Neutrino Telescopes, Marsilia, 2013

6. L.I. Caramete, Exotic physics, micro black holes in air, water and ice , ANTARES collaboration meeting, Marsilia, 2013

Project informations

Useful links

Project description

ANTARES experiment

Phase 1

KM3NET experiment