Short description
Our target is the development of a scientific-technologic collaborative
Competence Centre addressing to a particular technological niche
in the larger field of countermeasures for Human Space Flight:
astronauts' assessment, training and recovery for and after
long exposure to MICE (Micro-gravity, Isolated and Confined
Environment) through information-feedback, assisted, neuro-muscular
control and mental-control assessment and training. |
The Goal
Contributing to the development of the capacity of participation
of the Romanian scientific, technologic and industrial community
in ESA Programmes and stimulating the transfer of the space
research activity in the social and economic benefit. |
The Mission
The integration of existing scientific and industrial competences
and achievements in countermeasures for Human Space Flight and
complementary fields at national level, the valorisation in
international context, notably through participation in ESA
Programmes, and fostering the progress of the scientific and
industrial Romanian space community. |
The Objectives:
1. The development of the national scientific and technologic
capacity to participate in human spaceflight related activities
by targeting:
- Methods and devices for countermeasures to MICE physiological
impairments (cardio-vascular decompensation, calcium lost, muscle
volume and force lost) as well as mental-volitional impairments
(cognitive, psychological, psycho-social, fast and adequate
- Methods and devices for increasing mental resistance to prolonged
reclusion, through specific mental control training (mental
flexibility, cognitive-comportment control);
- Elucidation of processes and deepening the understanding of
information role in neuro-muscular control and mental control
training (in benefit of countermeasures and societal spin-off).
2. The entrainment and mentoring of the industry to participate
in ESA activities:
- Stimulating the industry to comply space-grade technology;
- Stimulating the industry by creating technological and services
terrestrial spin-offs emerging from the countermeasures oriented
activities (age-related diseases and impairments, resistance
to physiologic and mental stress of professionals exposed to
intentional risks related to extreme conditions, motility recovery
and increased societal inclusion for disabled persons and trauma
3.Promotion of all level interdisciplinary education and public
awareness in the specific field through:
- Continuous professional education (for specific-oriented college
students and specific-oriented professionals through Bachelor-of-Science
degree and PhD degree support);
- General education and public awareness level through Outreach
activities (for high school students, non-specific college students
and general public).
4. Dissemination of results in scientific Publications, Conferences,
Workshops and Seminaries (for professionally interested, scientific
and technical community).
5. The establishment of cooperation with similar entities in
Europe and in the World. |
Scientific Steering Committee
(SSC) si Management Board (MB): |
Vlad VALEANU, SSC and MB President;
Pierre de HILLERIN, SSC and MB Member;
Dumitru PRUNARIU, SSC and MB Member;
Radu DOP, SSC and MB Member;
Mihai BERTEANU, SSC and MB Member;
Cristian VIZITIU, MB Member, SSC Secretary (non-voting);
Marian VLADESCU, MB Member;
Vladimir VASILIU, MB Member;
Mihaela MARIN, MB Member;
Andra BALTOIU, MB Member;
Andreea VIZITIU, MB Member.