Ongoing projects/contracts
1. CFS: Growth and Survival of Colored Fungi in Space
- Project Leader: Dumitru HASEGAN
- Call name/Contracting authority: PECS/ESA
2. RoSpaceGRID: Romanian GRID middleware repository for Space Science Applications
- Project Leader: Ion-Sorin Zgura
- Call name/Contracting authority: PECS/ESA
3. ECSTRA: Energy Conversion and Transfer in the Solar Wind Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System
- Project Leader: Octav MARGHITU
- Call name/Contracting authority: PECS/ESA
4. Scientific Exploitation of the PLANCK-LFI Data
- Project Leader: Lucia A. POPA
- Call name/Contracting authority: PECS/ESA
5. KEEV: Kinetic and Experimental Investigation of the Earth’s and Venus’ Plasma Layers
- Project Leader: Marius ECHIM
- Call name/Contracting Authority: PECS/ESA
6. KM3NeT-PP: Preparatory Phase for a Deep Sea Facility in the Meditaranean for Neutrino Astronomy and Associated Sciences
- Project Leader: Vlad POPA
- Call name/Contracting authority: FP7/INFN
7. PTW: Portable Telemedicine Workstation Feasibility Study, Definition and Specification
- Project Leader: Vlad VALEANU
- Call name/Contracting authority: PECS/ESA
8. HP-SEE: High Performance Computing Infrastructure for South-East Europe’s Research Communities
- Project Leader: Ion Sorin ZGURA
- Call name/Contracting Authority: FP7/GRNET
9. GRID Techniques in Astrophysics with Applications to Processing, Modelling and Distribution of Spatial Data
- Project Leader: Petruta STEFANESCU
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/UEFISCDI
10. Optoelectronic System for Electromagnetic Background Measurements for Ground Detection of Gamma Quanta of Galactic and Extragalactic Origin
- Project Leader: Aurelian RADU
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/UEFISCDI
11. Experimental Data Processing Obtained at Ultrarelativistic Energies Using Clusterization Technologies and Distributed Computing
- Project Leader: Dumitru HASEGAN
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/UEFISCDI
12. Obscure Neutrinos in Observational Cosmology
- Project Leader: Lucia POPA
- Call name/Contracting authority: Ideas/UEFISCDI
13. National Contribution at the GRID Development LCG Computing for Elementary Physics Particles
- Project Leader: Ion Sorin ZGURA
- Call name/Contracting authority: IFA-CERN/IFA
14. Preparing Simulation and Preliminary Analysis of Data from the ALICE Experiment
- Project Leader: Dumitru HASEGAN
- Call name/Contracting authority: IFA-CERN/IFA
15. Autoportant Helicopter Controllable Without a Pilot
- Project Leader: Vlad VALEANU
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/UEFISCDI
16. COMPOSAT: Certified Components for Nanosatellites
- Project Leader: Mugurel BALAN
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/UEFISCDI
17. KM3NeT-PP: Preparatory Phase for a Deep Sea Facility in the Meditaranean for Neutrino Astronomy and Associated Sciences
- Project Leader: Vlad POPA
- Call name/Contracting authority: Capacity/ANCS
18. Study of Anisothropic Flows in Relativistic Nuclear Physics
- Project Leader: Ion Sorin ZGURA
- Call name/Contracting authority: Human Resources/UEFISCDI
19. Evaluation of Romanian Research Potential in Physics and Elaboration of a National Strategy for International Cooperation
- Project Leader: Dumitru HASEGAN
- Call name/Contracting authority: Sectorial/IFA
20. Study of Diffractive Processes in Interactions of 1-4 GeV ions with Nuclear Emulsions and applications to Astrophysics
- Project Leader: Maria HAIDUC
- Call name/Contracting authority: Ideas/UEFISCDI
21. Advanced Studies of Radio Signals from Atmospheric Showers Induced by UHE Cosmic Rays
- Project Leader: Gina ISAR
- Call name/Contracting authority: Human Resources/UEFISCDI
22. Exploring Physics Above the Standard Model with Microscopic Black-Holes and Neutrinos
- Project Leader: Octavian MICU
- Call name/Contracting authority: Human Resources/UEFISCDI
23. Exotic Superheavy Particles in Neutrino Telescopes
- Project Leader: Vlad POPA
- Call name/Contracting authority: Ideas/UEFISCDI
24. Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Auroral Region
- Project Leader: Octav MARGHITU
- Call name/Contracting authority: Ideas/UEFISCDI
25. Radio Dichotomy in Active Galactic Nuclei and Black Hole X-ray Binaries
- Project Leader: Ioana DUTAN
- Call name/Contracting authority: ISS/STAR
Projects/contracts completed 2007-2011
1. Integrated Information System for Real Time Management of Research Projects
- Project Leader: Ionel STAN
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/CNMP
2. VECSS: Vehicle for Commercial Exploitation of Suborbital Space
- Project Leader: Mugurel BALAN
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/CNMP
3. New Experimental Results Concerning HUBBLE Evolution n Relativistic Nuclear Collisions
- Project Leader: Ion Sorin ZGURA
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/CNMP
4. SPACE 21: Strategy and Management of Research and Industry National Activities in the Space Domain
- Project Leader: Mihai RACHERU
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/CNMP
5. PLURIBUS: Nanosatellite Systems Flight in Straight Formation Connected into the Network
- Project Leader: Mugurel BALAN
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/CNMP
6. Proton Threshold Statesin Stellar Nuclear Cycles: Mg-Al
- Project Leader: Horia COMISEL
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/CNMP
7. ELECTROCISCELL: New Types of Flexible Cells on a CSI Basis Obtained by Electrodeposition
- Project Leader: Oana GHENESCU
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/CNMP
8. FORMUAV: Formation of UAVs in Autonomous Flight with Data Fusion and Centralized Communications
- Project Leader: Mugurel BALAN
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/CNMP
9. Monitoring of Metallic Structure Behavior at Mechanical Action
- Project Leader: Marian MOGALDEA
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/CNMP
10. PVCELLSA: Photovoltaic Cells for Spatial Applications: Realization, Characterization and Testing in High Background Radiation
- Project Leader: Marian GHENESCU
- Call name/Contracting authority: Parnerships/CNMP
11. Growing National Network of Quality Education by Cosmic Ray Experiments
- Project Leader: Vlad POPA
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/CNMP
12. Studies of Explosive Nucleosynthesis Using Radioactive Ion Beams
- Project Leader: Pompiliu GRUNFELD
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/CNMP
13.Heliosphere and its Impact on the Variability of the Earth System Components
- Project Leader: Ovidiu MARIS
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/CNMP
14. GRIDCERT: Method for Data Management and Communication using GRID Infrastructure Based On Technologies and Digital Certificates
- Project Leader: Ion Sorin ZGURA
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/CNMP
15. Installation of a Cerenkov Telescope to study VHE Gamma Radiation in Romania
- Project Leader: Aurelian RADU
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/CNMP
16. SAFIR: Boundary Layers and Structures in Circumplanetary Plasmas
- Project Leader: Marius ECHIM
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/CNMP
17. TERASCAN: Research on Emission, Modulation, Scanning and Detection of THz Electromagnetic Waves in the Field: Experimental Model Plant Detection and Imaging of Objects of Interest to Security
- Project Leader: Catalin CUCU-DUMITRESCU
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/CNMP
18. CORA: Study of the Processes from Primary Cosmic Radiation in the Laboratory – Digital Reconstruction and Applications in Medicine.
- Project Leader: Marius RUJOIU
- Call name/Contracting authority: Partnerships/CNMP
19. Development of a Portable Version of the Multisphere Neutron Spectrometer for the Measurement of Neutron Spectra and Dosimetry in Scattered mixed Radiation Fields
- Project Leader: Dumitru HASEGAN
- Call name/Contracting authority: IUCN-Dubna/ANCS
20. TFSRA: Phase Transitions, States and Nuclear Threshold Reactions In the Universe Evolution After the Big-Bang
- Project Leader: Dumitru HASEGAN
- Call name/Contracting authority: CEEX/CERES
21. QGPBB: Types of Quark-Gluon Plasmas in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions in the Universe Evolution After the Big-Bang
- Project Leader: Ion Sorin ZGURA
- Call name/Contracting authority: CEEX/CERES
22. SEOKIMS: Use of Earth’s observation Satellite Systems to Assess Crisis Situations and Natural Disasters – Expert System for Extracting and Processing Information
- Project Leader: Mihai RACHERU
- Call name/Contracting authority: Aerospatial/ASR
23. MARKS: System Coordination of Space Activities Through Advanced Research Procedures and Information Management
- Project Leader: Catalin CUCU-DUMITRESCU
- Call name/Contracting authority: Aerospatial/ASR
24. SIDERALIS: Detection Simulation in the ALICE Experiment Under Realistic Conditions
- Project Leader: Dumitru HASEGAN
- Call name/Contracting authority: CORINT/ANCS
25. BANG: Capacity, Specific Applications and Infrastructure for GNSS-GALILEO
- Project Leader: Dan SELARU
- Call name/Contracting authority: Aerospatial/ASR
26. SINDEGRID: National development and Exploitation System of the GRID for LCG Computing for Elementary Particle Physics
- Project Leader: Ion Sorin ZGURA
- Call name/Contracting authority: CEEX/ASR
27. GOLIAT: A Microsatellite Space Mission for Scientific and Exploration Purposes
- Project Leader: Dumitru HASEGAN
- Call name/Contracting authority: Aerospatial/ASR
28. SISATJA: Satellite Permanent System with Controlled Trajectory at Low Altitude
- Project Leader: Dumitru HASEGAN
- Call name/Contracting authority: CEEX/ASR
29. FQC: Top Researchers in Charm Quark Physics
- Project Leader: Daniel FELEA
- Call name/Contracting authority: CEEX/IFA
30. ALEGRO: Plasma Physics Applications in Geophysics – Auroral Phenomena
- Project Leader: Octav MARGHITU
- Call name/contracting authority: Human Resources/UEFISCDI
31. COSASTRO: Experimental and Theoretical Research of Cosmic Rays and Nuclear Astrophysics
- Project Leader: Aurelian RADU
- Call name/Contracting authority: CEEX/CERES
32. FARRA – Radioactive Relativistic Beams with Applications in Astrophysics
- Project Leader: Dumitru HASEGAN
- Call name/Contracting authority: CEEX/IFA
33. MEMFIS: Multidisciplinary Research of Complex Phenomena Associated with Precursory Intermediate and Strong Earthquakes in Vrancea According to the Latest International Approaches
- Project Leader: Marius ECHIM
- Call name/Contracting authority: Aerospatial/ASR
34. VIS-SHP: Promotion in the European and International Research Communities of the Romanian Study of the Sun-Heliosphere-Earth system
- Project Leader: Octavian MARIS
- Call name/Contracting authority: CEEX/CNMP
35. MATNANORG: Hybrid Structures Consisting of a Matrix of AII-BIV Semiconductor Quantum Wires and Organic Semiconductor Films with Applications to Optoelectronic Devices
- Project Leader: Marian GHENESCU
- Call name/Contracting authority: CEEX/IFA
36. National Space Dynamics Technology Platform
- Project Leader: Catalin CUCU-DUMITRESCU
- Call name/Contracting authority: Aerospatial/ASR
37. NANOSEMIMAGNET: Nanowires of Diluted Magnetic Metal Oxide Semiconductors
- Project Leader: Oana GHENESCU
- Call name/Contracting authority: CEEX/CERES
38. KENEES: Kinetic Evolution and Non-Equilibrium Steady-States
- Project Leader: Pompiliu GRUNFELD
- Call name/Contracting authority: CEEX/CERES
39. Advanced Research in Quantum Field Theory and Gravitation
- Project Leader: Ovidiu TANTAREANU
- Call name/Contracting authority: CEEX/IFA
STAR PROGRAMME – RDI Projects (C1-2012)
1. Correlational Study of Space Missions Related to Fundamental Physics. Opportunities for Romanian Space Projects (COSMOS-RO)
- Project Leader: Ovidiu TANTAREANU
- Call name/Contracting authority: STAR/ROSA
2. Cluster Flux Gate Magnetometer Daily Calibration and Scientific Data Exploitation (TUNED)
- Project Leader: Constantinescu Ovidiu DRAGOS
- Call name/Contracting authority: STAR/ROSA
3. Radio Dichotomy in Active Galactic Nuclei and Black Hole X-ray Binaries (RDAGN)
- Project Leader: Ioana DUTAN
- Call name/Contracting authority: STAR/ROSA
4. Auroral Electrodynamics with Swarm (ALEOS)
- Project Leader: Octav MARGHITU
- Call name/Contracting authority: STAR/ROSA
5. Contributions to the Euclid Mission (CEM)
- Project Leader: Lucia A. POPA
- Call name/Contracting authority: STAR/ROSA
6. Satellite detection of faint fluorescence phenomena (SADET)
- Project Leader: Maria HAIDUC
- Call name/Contracting authority: STAR/ROSA
7. GPU in GRID for space science and technology (GUIDE)
- Project Leader: Ion Sorin ZGURA
- Call name/Contracting authority: STAR/ROSA
8. Validation of Swarm L-1b data using multi-point gradient estimation techniques (VALS)
- Project Leader: Adrian BLAGAU
- Call name/Contracting authority: STAR/ROSA
9. Subsystems for Nanosatellites – SuNs
- Project Leader: Marius TRUSCULESCU
- Call name/Contracting authority: STAR/ROSA
10. Romanian Dual CubeSat Mission. Development of the RoBiSat-1 spacecraft (RoBiSat-1)
- Project Leader: Mugurel BALAN
- Call name/Contracting authority: STAR/ROSA
11. Computer Assisted and Information Feedback Training for Human Spaceflight Support (STARWALKER)
- Project Leader: Vlad VALEANU
- Call name/Contracting authority: STAR/ROSA
12. ROmanian nanoSatellite Technology – Competence Centre (ROST – CC)
- Project Leader: Mugurel BALAN
- Call name/Contracting authority: STAR/ROSA
13. Pilot study of ultra-high energy COsmic rays through their Space-ATmospheric interactions (COSAT)
- Project Leader: Paula Gina ISAR
- Call name/Contracting authority: STAR/ROSA
14. On-Board Data Flow Simulator (ODAS)
- Project Leader: Lucia A. POPA
- Call name/Contracting authority: STAR/ROSA
15. Cluster/HIA in-flight calibration and data quality improvement for scientific exploitation (CALYPSO)
- Project Leader: Adrian BLAGAU
- Call name/Contracting authority: STAR/ROSA
16. Earth observation satellite for smart farming applications. Mission Analysis, needs and requirements identification (FARMSAT)
- Project Leader: Ion Sorin ZGURA
- Call name/Contracting authority: STAR/ROSA
17. Data Mining in Satellite Image Time Series using Constrained Sequential Pattern Extraction (COSEPE)
- Project Leader: Andreea Maria JULEA
- Call name/Contracting authority: STAR/ROSA
18. Diamond Detectors for Particle Spectrometry Experiments in Space (DIADEMS)
- Project Leader: Mircea Iuliu CIOBANU
- Call name/Contracting authority: STAR/ROSA
19. Stability tests of new photovoltaic structures for space applications against the protons and alpha particles irradiation (NEWPVSPACE)
- Project Leader: Marian GHENESCU
- Call name/Contracting authority: STAR/ROSA
20. Metallic Plasma Generator for Space Applications (MPG)
- Project Leader: Marian MOLGILDEA
- Call name/Contracting authority: STAR/ROSA