Organizer: ISS, The Space Plasma and Magnetometry Laboratory – 1040
Speakers: Dr. Mircea Ciobanu (ISS) and Dr. Marin Sâmpăleanu (University of Calgary, Canada)
When: 14 June 2017, at 11:00
Where: Institute of Space Science – ISS (Auditorium)
The space magnetometers designed and released at the Platform of Physics in Magurele, Romania, has become the most required instruments for measuring the Earth’s magnetic field in frame of the INTERCOSMOS Program, in period 1978-1990. The essential elements that have made possible this success would be presented.
The seminar is open to the public and it can be followed live on the ISS Facebook and YouTube channel.
Contact person: Cătălin Negrea <negreacatalin [at] spacescience [dot] ro>