Seminar on the effects of dust on the photometric parameters of disks and bulges in spiral galaxies

Spiral galaxy NGC 1232. Image credit: ESO
Spiral galaxy NGC 1232. Image credit: ESO

Dr. Bogdan Adrian Pastrav (the Astronomical Institute of Romanian Academy – AIRA, the Institute of Space Science – ISS) will hold the “The effects of dust on the photometric parameters of disks and bulges in spiral galaxies” seminar on Wednesday, 6 May 2015, starting 11 a.m., in the Studio Room (Tower building, second floor).

The seminar will focus on the results of a study made to quantify the effects of dust on the derived photometric parameters of disks (old and young stellar disks) and bulges: disk scale-lengths, axis-ratios, central surface-brightness, bulge effective radii, and Sersic indices.

The changes in the derived photometric parameters from their intrinsic values (as would be seen in the absence of dust) were obtained by fitting simulated images of disks and bulges produced using radiative transfer calculations. Comparisons with observational data will be shown, together with possible applications of the results to observational studies based on data from various surveys (e.g. Euclid).

During the event, Dr. Bogdan Adrian Pastrav will also speak about his current work on modelling the panchromatic spectral energy distribution (SED) of a sample of resolved nearby spiral galaxies from the SINGS/KINGFISH survey.