An interdepartmental group of specialists from the Institute of Space Science (ISS) put together their experience in space microbiology, cosmic ionizing radiation, management of space threats and also in space applications for the health and safety of persons and communities, to launch the scientific website “Life in the Universe”.
This initiative aims to promote certain areas of research and important achievements at the Institute of Space Science and to send an invitation to interdisciplinary cooperation towards institutions and independent experts in the country and abroad, in order to develop joint research and projects regarding issues of life on Earth and in Space, from basic questions (the origin of life and multiple forms of life in the Universe) to pragmatic applications (protecting life and society on Earth against threats coming from space and space colonisation by humans).
“Life in the Universe” is an ISS internal project which brings together scientists from three laboratories of the ISS: the Astrophysics, High Energy Astrophysics and Advanced Technologies Laboratory, the Space Plasma and Magnetometry Laboratory and the Space Applications for Health and Safety Laboratory. Thus, researchers from the fields of Natural Sciences (Physics, Astrophysics, Astronomy, Mathematics, Geophysics, Geography, Geology, Chemistry, Biology, Molecular Biology, Ecology etc.), Human Sciences (Psychology, Sociology, Cognitive Science, Medicine, Neuroscience, Education, Futurology etc.) and Engineering (Computer Science, Information and Communications Technology, Systems Engineering, Robotics, Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering etc.) are working together.
The topics of interest of this internal project are in line with those determined by ESA (the European Space Agency) and NASA (the American National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and the Romanian body in charge with the National Aeronautics and Space Strategy, the Romanian Space Agency (ROSA).
Due to the broad interdisciplinary and challenging character of this project, founders are open to collaborate with national and international institutions, as well as independent experts, so anyone interested in such a collaboration can use the contact information on the website.
The website, in its first stage, can be visited here.