Starwalker Seminars – 2nd Edition: “Management of informational interaction in the soma-psyche complex and in relation to the environment”, 25 February 2015

1 (1)On 25 February 2015 the scientific conference on “Management of informational interaction in the soma-psyche complex and in relation to the environment” took place at the premises of the Institute of Space Science, within the General Starwalker Seminar. The conference was held by Eng. Vlad Văleanu, PhD, Director of the Competence Centre in Space Technologies for Human Spaceflight Support – Starwalker.

The seminar is the second of a cycle of educational and interdisciplinary stimulating conferences, initiated by the Starwalker Competence Center.

Centre members and guests representing tangential areas to manned spaceflight participated at the seminar (conference and debate).

During the conference fundamental concepts were reviewed in theory, 2 (1)such as the Information-based Systemic Model of the Self, Information Anthropology, Information Back-Engineering and their framing in the original research directions of the Centre on IMBS – Information Management in Bio-Systems and SPIM – Soma- Psyche Interaction Management. The conceptual baselines were illustrated with examples from research, which are underway at the Starwalker Centre, regarding the real time, computer assisted, informational feedback training for high occupational risk staff, especially astronauts.

Anyone interested in the material presented or advanced aspects related thereto, may directly address the lecturer: Vlad Văleanu –

Anyone interested in the details of the conference cycle may e-mail the Secretary of the Starwalker Seminar: Alexandru Nistorescu –