Index HTML:

- <a>...</a> = creaza un link
- Tabel 
<b> </b> = echivalent cu Bold
<body> </body> = content of your HTML document
<br> = force a line break. nu necesita tag de inchidere
<em> </em> = accentueaza in stil italic un cuvant
<html> </html> = acts like a container for the document.
<head> </head> = contains the title tag, and information on style sheets and scripts
<title> </title> = creaza numele unei pagini
<h1> </h1> = creaza un "heading" mare; h1-h6
<p> </p> = un paragraf nou; </p> poate fi omis
<pre> </pre> = micsoreaza caracterul si pune automat "enter"; nu necesita tag de inchidere
<ul><li> </li></ul> = unordered bulletted list; end tag li este optional
<ol><li> </li></ol> = ordered (numerotata) list;
<dl><dt><dd> </dd></dt></dl> = definition list
<img> = to add an image. Atribute: src = names the image file; width, height = seteaza dimensiunile pozei (sunt optionale); 
	alt = to give a short description. Ex: <img src="peter.jpg" width="200" height="150">
<sub> </sub> = subindex. Nota: nu merge cu atributul <pre>
<sup> </sup> = supraindex. Nota: nu merge cu atributul <pre>

Caractere speciale:

- λ <-> &lambda;
- < <-> &lt;
- > <-> &gt;
- @ <-> &#64;


- Comentarii: <!-- comentariu -->

<...> </...> = template

<a>...</a> = creaza un link. 
- <a href="#destinatie_link"> text </a> ... <a name=destinatie_link> </a> = link in cadrul aceleiasi pagini.
- <a href=""> = link catre o pagina exterioara
- Table = creaza un tabel

<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
<tr> <!-- prima coloana -->
<td>prima linie</td>
<td>a doua linie</td>
</tbody></table> ************************************************************ endl.