









Impact Factor

of Reference



D. Abbaneo, S. Albergo, D. Tonoiu, et al.


Tracker Operation and Performance at the Magnet Test and Cosmic Chalenge




CERN CMS, NOTE 2007/029




Maris O., G. Maris, D. Tonoiu.


Rapid Solar Wind Appearance during 11-YR Cycle



Poster, Fifth European Space Weather Week, 17-21 November, 2008, Brussels, Belgium





Tonoiu D., O. Maris


Periodicities in the solar wind



Poster, Fifth European Space Weather Week, 17-21 November, 2008, Brussels, Belgium





D. Tonoiu, A. Caramete, L. Popa


Lookback time and Chandra constrains on cosmological parameters



Romanian Reports in Physics - accepted for publication, 2011


