Script OS
*******************executie script*********
*********** exemple script ****************
echo "naut, mess, skype"
azureus &
pidgin &
skype &
echo "gata"
#!echo "pagina dorita: "
#!read varPG
declare varPG=108
cd /mnt/ntfs/daniel/carti
djview3 -page $varPG Classical\ Mechanics\ -\ Systems\ of\ Particles\ and\ Hamiltonian\ Dynamics\ -\ W.\ Greiner.djv &
djview3 -page $varPG Classical\ Mechanics\ -\ Systems\ of\ Particles\ and\ Hamiltonian\ Dynamics\ -\ W.\ Greiner.djv &
cd ~
ifconfig eth0 down hw ether 00:07:E9:E5:9A:??
ifconfig eth0 up
service network start
- & =  pentru a pune un proces, aplicatie in background; astfel se elibereaza prompterul shelului.
	Ex: acroread using.pdf &
- | = Pipe operator -> combines input and output redirection so that the output of one command is immediately used as the input for another.
             Ex: ls -lh | more
- comanda < fisier =  redirectioneaza outputul comenzii spre un fisier
- comanda << fisier = appends the new data to the end of the file
- Command Substitution = another way of using the output of one command as an argument to another. Ex: ls $(pwd) <-> pwd | ls
  The construction using the $ operator is distinctive in that the command in parentheses is executed in a subshell. 
  Instead of using the $() construction, you can also use backticks. Ex: ls `pwd`
- gnome-terminal = to launch a new terminal