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NFS service - Linux share
- Install the NFS Server Configuration tool: Add/Remove; Details button next to the Server Configuration Tools package group;
; check the box next to system-config-nfs
- Configure the list of filesystems that you want to share via NFS using the configuration tool: System Settings, Server Settings, NFS
- To cause the NFS service to start automatically each time your computer is started: System Settings, Server Settings,
Services to launch the Service Configuration tool -> check nfs service
- The NFS service is controlled by the /etc/exports file
- Start nfs service: /sbin/service nfs start . You can use restart to apply new changes in export file
- Starting NFS Automatically via the Command Line: /sbin/chkconfig --level 5 nfs on
- Configure your firewall to allow NFS traffic through your network interface: You must lower your firewalling security level to Medium and then
create special filtering exceptions for this ports: 111:tcp,111:udp,369:tcp,369:udp,2049:tcp,2049:udp -> System Settings, Security Level
Or you could disable the firewall.
- Remote users should now be able to mount your shared NFS directory trees: mount -t nfs host:/tree /mnt/point
Samba - Windows share (FC6)
- Add/Remove software: Servers/Windows File Server
- System/Administration/Server Settings/Samba -> Add Share
- Preference/Samba Users/ Add User -> daniel
- Preferences/Server Settings/Security/Autentification Mode -> User, Guest Accont -> daniel
- System/Administration/Security Level and Firewall/Firewall Options -> Samba ; SElinux Setting -> Permissive
- service smb start
- On guest pc: Start/Run -> \\