Emacs Tutorial

- to end the Emacs session, type C-x C-c
- to save with a new name, type C-x C-w
- editare:
			  Previous line, C-p
   Backward, C-b .... Current cursor position .... Forward, C-f
			    Next line, C-n

- If moving by characters is too slow, you can move by words.  M-f
(Alt-f) moves forward a word and M-b moves back a word.
aceasta este un fisier de test pt emacs.
- Two other important cursor motion commands are M-< (META Less-than),
which moves to the beginning of the whole text, and M-> (META
Greater-than), which moves to the end of the whole text.
- Most Emacs commands accept a numeric argument; for most commands, this
serves as a repeat-count.  The way you give a command a repeat count
is by typing C-u and then the digits before you type the command.
For example, C-u 8 C-v scrolls the screen by 8 lines. To scroll down:M-v
- If Emacs stops responding to your commands, you can stop it safely by
typing C-g.  You can use C-g to stop a command which is taking too
long to execute.
- CONTROL-h k CONTROL-f = afiseaza help pentru comanda CONTROL-f
- C-x 1 expands the window which contains the cursor, to occupy the full screen.  
It deletes all other windows.
- "C-u 8 a" to insert "a" character 8 times: aaaaaaaa
* delete operations:
	<-	    delete the character just before the cursor
	C-d   	    delete the next character after the cursor
	M- <-	    kill the word immediately before the cursor
	M-d	    kill the next word after the cursor
	C-k         kill from the cursor position to end of line
	M-k	    kill to the end of the current sentence
You can also kill any part of the buffer with one uniform method.
Move to one end of that part, and type C-SPC (space bar).
(SPC is the Space bar.)  Move to the other end of that part, and type
C-w.  That kills all the text between the two positions.
- The difference between "killing" and "deleting" is that "killed" text
can be reinserted, whereas "deleted" things cannot be reinserted.
	C-k	kitt the text on that line.
- C-u 2 C-k kills two
lines and their newlines; typing C-k twice would not do that.
- Bringing back killed text is called "yanking".C-y to yank the text back.
After you have done C-y to get the most recent kill, typing
M-y replaces that yanked text with the previous kill.
* you can undo the change with the undo command, C-x u.if you repeat
the C-x u several times in a row, each repetition undoes one
additional command.C-_ is an alternative undo command; it works just the same as C-x u,
but it is easier to type several times in a row.
* Files: C-x C-f; creating a file: C-x C-f "nameFile"
* Buffers: C-x C-b = see a list of the
buffers that currently exist in your Emacs job. 
- If you want to edit another buffer, you need to "switch" to it.
Use the C-x b command.In that command, you have to type the buffer's name.