********************* install idl **************** * instalat idl_6.2: - eroare: /idl_6.2/bin/post_unpack was not found ; pas 1: dezarhivez arhivele din directorul /install al kitului de instalare. Fiind arhive *.tz folosesc comanda: tar xzf *.tz ; am luat fiecare fisier in parte si l-am dezarhivat folosind comanda de mai sus. pun fisierele respective in directorul: /usr/local/rsi ; lansez setup-ul: sh ; . xinstall; - OK - eroare cand vreau sa folosesc help-ul: "error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file"; Incerc sa instalaz: "The compat-libstdc++-296 package contains 2.96-RH compatibility standard C++ libraries - este insa pt i386"; nu a mers; instalez compat-libstdc++-33 pt i386; a mers :) . Help-ul este usor accesibil in forma versiunii idl_6.3 ----------------------------- * instalat idl 6.3 (default era instalat doar libXpm-64); instalat libXp-64; a plecat setup; /bin/post_unpack was not found; nu a copiat nici un fisier in /usr/local/rsi; Solutie: din directorul /idl_63/install/ am luat toate arhivele si le-am dezarhivat in /usr/local/rsi/ folosind comanda: tar xzf *.tz ; am repornit setup si am mers totul snur; cand lansez idlde_63, ? (help) -> error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5; install libstdc++-devel_64; ramane aceiasi eroare; install gcc_64 (compilator c++) deoarece are nevoie de aceasta librarie; nu a mers; instalat: The compat-libstdc++ package contains compatibility standard C++ library from GCC 3.3.4. - ok, acum merge help-ul * instalare idl_56 ./xinstall.linux.x86: error while loading shared libraries: libXp.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - incerc instalare libXp...i386; am deja instalate libXp si libXpm pt 64 - a mers- - eroare: /idl_5.6/bin/post_unpack was not found; incercat solutia de la 6.3; a functionat. setup a decurs bine - idl_5.6 ->: error while loading shared libraries: libXpm.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ; Solutie: instalat libXpm...i386 -> Ok...acum merge idl_5.6 ********************* PS ***************************** - You can easily switch to PostScript or hardware fonts by setting the !P.FONT system variable to 0 (the normal default is -1), or by setting the FONT keyword on a graphics display command to 0. - generat in modul Post Scriptum grafice: SET_PLOT, 'PS',/INTERPOLATE ; ; Select the PostScript driver DEVICE, /ENCAPSULATED, /COLOR, XSIZE=30.0, YSIZE=21, FILENAME = 'pic1.ps' ; write plot to file TVLCT, 0, 255, 0, 201 ; verde verdeMeu=201 ;. PLOT .......... DEVICE, /CLOSE SET_PLOT, 'x' ; ; Return plotting to X Windows: ********************* culori idl ********************** - Pentru a selecta clasa de culori TrueColor DEVICE, True_Color=24 ; Incarca TrueColor Visual Class - TVLCT este folosit pt indexat culori TVLCT, 255, 0, 0, 200 ; rosu TVLCT, 0, 255, 0, 201 ; verde ********************* log IDL ************************** - instalat idl 5.6 pe nx7400 (64b); 07.07 - OK Eroare: ./xinstall.linux.x86_64: error while loading shared libraries: libXp.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file copiat libXp.so.6.2.0 and libXp.so.1.2 from /lib64 to lib -> error while loading shared libraries: libXp.so.6: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 -undo copy instalat libXp-devel-...i386 & libXpm-devel-...i386 -> a pornit setup-ul - instalat idl 6.3 pe nx7400; 05.07 - OK failed '. xinstall.sh' deoarece nu aveam drept de executie asupra *.sh; se foloseste 'sh'-ul nu 'bash'-ul; De rezolvat o alta eroare: ./xinstall.linux.x86_64: error while loading shared libraries: libXp.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file Solutie: install libXp runtime library (X.Org X11) - ok Directory: /usr/local/rsi ; Link Directory: /usr/local/bin ******************************************************** IDL - DEVICE, RETAIN=2, DECOMPOSED=0 - create a bitmap buffer for your graphic windows; use a maximum of 256 colors WIDGETS: - help files are located at: /usr/local/rsi/idl_5.6/examples/widgets ***************** - formating; printf: PRINT, FORMAT='(%"I have %d monkeys \t and a tab and \n an enter, %s.")', 23, 'Scott' - pt a executa comenzi linus in IDL, inaintea comenzii se foloseste '$' - help, ramp = info about a procedure - Multiple plots on a page: !p.multi=[0,2,2] -pentru 4 grafice pe pagina; !p.multi=0 -pentru un grafic pe pagina (intoarcere la modul default) - idl -w = Start IDL with the graphical user interface