The Astrophysics,  Space  Exploration and Quantum Computing Group   


The Astrophysics,  Space  Exploration and Quantum Computing Group   



‍                    Florentina Pîslan and Ana Caramete participated in the “LISA Data Generation and Analysis Workshop” online from October 7 to October 10.



‍                    Răzvan Balașov published an article titled “Unde lumina dispare” in “Știință și Tehnică” magazine and provided scientific consultation for Radio Romania for the article: “Nu, testele efectuate de Starlink în România nu îi folosesc pe români ”drept cobai”, ci urmăresc doar eventualul impact asupra altor sateliți, geostaționari, de pe orbita Pământului”.














‍                    On October 25th, Ana Caramete and Laurențiu Caramete gave a presentation titled “Cum ne vorbește Universul” at Cantemir-Vodă National College, where students learned about gravity and created gravitational wave signals with a simulator.
















‍                    Alice Păun and Florentina Pîslan attended the “CoLABORATORUL de Idei” event from October 28 to November 2, developing science communication projects.

Contact us at:

 iss dash sci at spacescience dot ro