On July 2, ASPACE-Q hosted pupils for “Școala Altfel” program. They explored gravity and the Solar System with the gravitational wave simulator, VR glasses, and a space quiz.
Laurențiu Caramete, Ana Caramete, Florentina Pîslan, and Maria Ișfan attended the “15th International LISA Symposium” in Dublin, Ireland, from July 7 to July 12 where they presented posters titled “LISA Deep Processing: A Deep Based Low-Latency Approach”, “Enhancing the Scientific Exploitation of Future Gravitational Wave Experiments through a Multi-messenger Approach”, Growth Methods for Massive Black Holes using the GIZMO Software Package”, “Detecting Gravitational Waves from Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals with Convolutionsl Neural Networks”, “Quantum Computing Tools for Fast Detection of Gravitational Waves in the Context of LISA Space Mission”.
From July 13 to July 21, the Laurențiu Caramete, Ana Caramete, Florentina Pîslan, and Maria Ișfan participated in the “COSPAR 2024” conference in Busan, South Korea. Laurențiu held two presentations titled “Machine-Learning Based Low-Latency Pipelines for LISA Mission and Other Future Gravitational Wave Observatories in Space” and “Study of the star-gulping mechanism and of the sphere of influence of the BHs using N-body simulations”, while Maria held two presentations titles “Quantum Computing Tools For The Analysis Of Astrophysical Data From Space Missions“, and “Exploring The Capabilities Of The State-of-art Quantum Computers” respectively and she also presented a poster titled“Quantum Computing Tools For The Analysis Of Astrophysical Data From Space Missions“. During the poster session, Florentina presented as well a poster titled “Extended Database of Massive Binaries and the gravitational Waveforms they generate”.