The Astrophysics,  Space  Exploration and Quantum Computing Group   


The Astrophysics,  Space  Exploration and Quantum Computing Group   

Explorio Festival


Explorio is the newest astronomy festival in the country! It takes place in Sibiu and  its main purpose is to bring astronomy and the research in the Astrophysics domain closer to people of all ages. This year’s festival ended with a space-themed conference at which our colleagues, dr. Răzvan Balașov, Florentina Pîslan and Maria Ișfan, were invited to talk about their research. They discussed Black Holes, the LISA Space Mission and Quantum Computers. And that’s not all! On Friday night, Răzvan and Maria also participated in a jam session and mesmerized all listeners with their skills.

Contact us at:

 iss dash sci at spacescience dot ro