Vlad-Andrei Bâsceanu

Research Assistant at the Cosmology and
AstroParticle Physics Group
Curriculum Vitae

I started my career at the Institute of Space Science (ISS) in September 2019 while I was still a MSc student in Nuclear Physics, Atomic Physics, Elementary Particle, Astrophysics and Applications, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest.

During my time as a MSc student, I gained valuable experience in Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics.

My main contribution, during my time as a MSc student, at ISS was helping in the development of the LISA CAS system in the High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and Advanced Technologies Group.

As of July 2021, I became part of the Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics Group. My main job here is to help with the inference of Artificial Intelligence algorithms on space-ready hardware.

In October 2021 I began my PhD studies in Nuclear Physics, Atomic Physics, Elementary Particle, Astrophysics and Applications, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest. The thesis is called “On-Board Analysis of Astrophysical Data from Space Missions using Neural Networks”.