Curriculum Vitae (CV)



Personal information:

Name: Andrei-Ieronim Constantinescu

Phone: 0040743649199


Sex: Male | Date of Birth: 04/04/1996 | Nationality: Romanian



Work Experience:

-21.09.2018-31.12.2019 Scientific Assistant Researcher at Institute of Space Science, Street Atomistilor 409, 077125 Magurele Romania:                                                                       Researcher in Ionospheric Scintillations                                                                    Ionospheric Scintillation Mapping

-01.01.2020-Present Scientific Assistant Researcher at Institute of Space Science, Street Atomistilor 409, 077125 Magurele Romania:                                                             Researcher in Astrophysics and Gravitational Waves Physics                                  Gravitational Waves data processing using Neural Networks                                                                       

-01.2020-Present: Full LISA Mission member

-01.2020-Present: LECS (LISA Early Career Students) member

-03.2020-Present: LDC (LISA Data Challange) member



Education and Training:

-10.2020-Present: Phd student at University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics Theoretic and Computational Physics with the Thesis entitled `Analysis of the Gravitational Wave Signals Provided by Gravitational Wave Detectors Using Neural Network with Applications in Developing the Low-Latency Pipeline of the LISA Mission`.

-10.2018-07.2020: Master`s Degree in Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics, Astrophysics and Applications at University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics

Thesis: Gravitational Waves Characterization Using Neural Networks

For the thesis I have developed two neural network that characterizes and classifies gravitational waveforms. One neural network classifies them into two classes and the other classifies gravitational waves into four classes.

-10.2015-07.2018: Bachelor`s Degree in Medical Physics at University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics

Thesis: Visual Phenomena Evoked by Direct Intracerebral Stimulation in Patients with Epilepsy

-08.2011-07.2015: Baccalaureate Diploma, `Spiru Haret` high-school

Specialization: Natural Sciences


Languages: Romanian - native, English- C1- CAE Diploma, French – independent user


Programming: Python, Matlab, R, C/C++



A. Caramete, A.I. Constantinescu L.I. Caramete, T. Popescu, R.A. Balasov, D. Felea, M.V. Rusu, P. Stefanescu, O.M. Tintareanu, `Characterization of Gravitational Waves Signals Using Neural Networks`, arXiv, 2009.06109 (presented at COSPAR and in prep for sunmitting at the Advances in Space Research)



13th LISA Symposium: A. Caramete, A.I. Constantinescu L.I. Caramete, T. Popescu, R.A. Balasov, D. Felea, M.V. Rusu, P. Stefanescu, O.M. Tintareanu, `Low-Latency BiLSTM Neural Network Classifier(LL-BiLSTM)`

43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly: A. Caramete, A.I. Constantinescu L.I. Caramete, T. Popescu, R.A. Balasov, D. Felea, M.V. Rusu, P. Stefanescu, O.M. Tintareanu, R.I. Popescu, M.C. Butolo, Th. Imaldi, `Identification and Characterization of Graviational Wave Signals using Neural Network Algorithms Implemented on FPGA, in the context of the Low-Latency Pipeline of the LISA Mission`


National and International School:

2021-NBIA Gravitational Wave Astro Summer School 2021 at Niels Bohr International Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark 2021