Andrei-Ieronim Constantinescu

Research assistant at the Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics Group

PhD at Theoretical and Computational Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest

LISA (Laser Interferometry Space Anthena) member since 2020

LECS (LISA Early career Students) member since 2020

LDC (Lisa Data Challange ) member Since 2020

GWECS (Gravitational Wave Earl Career Students) member since 2021

10.2020-Present: Phd student at University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics Theoretic and Computational Physics with the Thesis entitled `Analysis of the Gravitational Wave Signals Provided by Gravitational Wave Detectors Using Neural Network with Applications in Developing the Low-Latency Pipeline of the LISA Mission`.

10.2018-07.2020: Master`s Degree in Atomic Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics, Astrophysics and Applications at Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest.

Thesis: Gravitational Waves Characterization Using Neural Networks

For the thesis I have developed two neural network that characterizes and classifies gravitational waveforms. One neural network classifies them into two classes and the other classifies gravitational waves into four classes.

10.2015-07.2018: Bachelor`s Degree in Medical Physics at Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest.

Thesis: Visual Phenomena Evoked by Direct Intracerebral Stimulation in Patients with Epilepsy


Relevant publication:

A. Caramete, A. I. Constantinescu, L. I. Caramete, T. Popescu, R. A. Balasov, D. Felea, M. V. Rusu, P. Stefanescu, O. M. Tintareanu, `Characterization of Gravitational Waves Signals Using Neural Networks`, arXiv, 2009.06109, 2020,