Researchers from the Institute of Space Science offer a unique way to search for microscopic black holes

Reprezentare artistică a două cascade de particule. Cercetătorii ISS spun că un astfel de eveniment format din două cascade distincte este semnatura unică a dezintegrarii unei găuri negre cuantice. Credit: ISS
The artistic representation of two particle falls. The ISS researchers say that such an event, composed of two distinct falls, is the unique signature of a quantum black hole’s disintegration. Credit: ISS

Three researchers from the Institute of Space Science (ISS) located on the Magurele Physics Platform propose a unique fingerprint to identify the disintegration of microscopic black holes – quantum black holes of very small dimensions, whose existence is still hypothetical. The identification of the signature they proposed based on observations can confirm the string theory and can change physics as we know it today. The contributions of the Romanian researchers have been published in the Journal of High Energy Physics, in Astroparticle Physics, and the third article is being published right now in an internationally renowned publication.

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