Romanian participation to the MoEDAL LHC experiment
Language: RO
IFA Contract 11/2022
MoEDAL stands for "Monopole and Exotics Detection at LHC"

MAPP (MoEDAL Apparatus for Penetrating Particles) added to the experimental configuration

The MoEDAL structure, around the VELO - LHCb detector
Project objectives:
- General objective: enhance the Romanian presence in the MoEDAL experiment
- Developing simulation and analysis software; in particular, our group has the responsibility of dyon search in MoEDAL
- Development and maintenance of the Monte Carlo simulations and the common software packages - one of the group members plays the role of Software Coordinator of the Collaboration (Dr. Daniel Felea)
- Development and test of the "Thermal scanning", as an alternative to the standard optical scanning of the nuclear track detectors exposed in MoEDAL
- Contributions to MAPP physics programe

Firsts tests for the thermal scanning
- The MoEDAL simulations and software library updated
- Design and component procurement for the thermal scanning facility completed
- Acharya, B., Alexandre, J., Benes, P., Bergmann, B., Bernabeu, J., Bevan, A., Branzas, H., Burian, P., Campbell, M., Cecchini, S. and Cho, Y.M., 2021. First Search for Dyons with the Full MoEDAL Trapping Detector in 13 TeV p p Collisions. Physical Review Letters, 126(7), p.071801. PDF
- Acharya, B., Alexandre, J., Benes, P., Bergmann, B., Bertolucci, S., Bevan, A., Branzas, H., Burian, P., Campbell, M., Cho, Y.M. and de Montigny, M., 2022. Search for magnetic monopoles produced via the Schwinger mechanism. Nature, 602(7895), pp.63-67. PDF
- Popa, L.A., 2022. Search for Dark Higgs Inflation with Curvature Corrections at LHC Experiments. Universe, 8(4), p.235. Full text
More details:
- November 2020 Ro-MoEDAL report at the ISAB virtual meeting
- 2021 Ro-MoEDAL report at the ISAB meeting
Dr. Vlad Popa, vpopa@spacescience.ro