Work Package 1: Management
Through this work package the PI will coordinate the activities of the members of the team from scientific and technical points of view. The coordinator will organize periodic meetings between the personal involved in the project to insure the scientific progress in accordance with the proposed plan and will ensure constant communication with and between team members. Based on the input from the team members, the coordinator will prepare the scientific part of the reports and deliverables to be submitted to the contracting authority. The coordinator will discuss the dissemination and publication policy with the collaborators and will make informed decisions on the appropriate course of action.
Work Package 2: Data files remote transfer, reading and processing. Data visualisation tools
Through this work package we aim to design a collection of algorithms able to ingest measurements from solar system plasma missions (Ulysses, Cluster, Venus Express, Cassini, Mars Express, etc.) and Earth observations (Swarm) in several common data formats. The algorithms will allow the user to perform data processing in order to reduce the effects of erroneous or missing data prior to applying various analysis methods. Visualization tools will be developed. In a final stage of the project we aim to add the possibility for users to be able to analyze own produced files by providing a standard template for data files.
Work Package 3: Implementation of advanced data analysis methods dedicated to turbulence and nonlinear dynamics studies
Through this work package we aim to develop open-source algorithms that implement a comprehensive set of analyses methods dedicated to turbulence and non-linear dynamics studies of solar system plasmas measurements and Earth observations provided by ESA missions. Each analysis method will be implemented through a dedicated algorithm that will include adjustable parameters, specific to each type of analysis.
Work Package 4: Configurable tool for user-defined parametrization of analysis methods, testing and validation of the analysis package
Through this work package we aim to provide an open-source tool that allows easy interaction between the user and the package of algorithms that implements the analysis methods dedicated to turbulence and non-linear dynamics in solar system plasmas. In the first stage, a Python notebook with default analysis-specific parameters will be provided and at the end of the project the notebook will allow easy user customization of analysis-specific parameters.
Work Package 5: Automatized open-source software package for turbulence and non-linear dynamics analysis
Through this work package we provide an automatized version of the analysis package running either with default parameters extracted automatically from the particularities of the time-series or on a user-defined basis. The user will be provided with a customizable worksheet where analysis specific parameters can be easily modified.
Work Package 6: Impact and Dissemination
To disseminate and advertise to the space plasma scientific community the open-source software for turbulence and non-linear dynamics analysis and the scientific output results obtained in the proposed project either through scientific publications or communications at various national and international conferences. Also, a website of the project will be designed and maintained throughout the development of the project (and afterwards).
Project’s flowchart showing the work logic.