A new journey into the world of science at the Researchers’ Night 2014

afisOn 26 September, the Researchers’ Night invites all the curious to take part in a trip to the fascinating world of science. Researchers, engineers, explorers and inventors will be meeting with you in the campuses or downtown areas of the following cities: Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, Constanta, Craiova, Galati, Brasov, Suceava, Bacau, Arad, Sibiu, Piatra Neamt, Tulcea, Oradea and Targu Jiu. Together with them you will take part in unique experiments, exciting conferences and contests with attractive prizes. The program for each city can be found on www.noapteacercetatorilor.eu.

The journey to the world of science starts early, at 17.00, in all the cities listed above. Drones, robots, laser shows, optical illusions, levitation, liquid metals, astronomical or microscope observations, virtual travels through the solar system and other unpublished experiments await for the visitors.

In some locations there is an special area for the kids, full of games that stimulate their creativity and critical thinking, but it is also entertaining. For the adults, we prepared debates and conferences on the most interesting contemporary research themes. In order not to miss the chance to stand in front of the most famous Romanian researchers and take part in activities they prepared, it is recommended to early book a place at www.noapteacercetatorilor.eu.

The organizers of the 2014 edition also provokes the brave ones to test their innovation and creativity in the scientific world by participating in the two contests before the event:

  • the „I want to be a researcher” video contest, dedicated to science enthusiasts, regardless of age. Registrations can be made until Wednesday, 17 September 2014, by uploading to YouTube / Vimeo a maximum 2 minutes long video, showing the personal conception on research. More details here.
  • the „The researchers and their labs” drawing Competition, where can participate any student or group of up to 5 students, and anyone passionate about science, who is not conducting research acivities, until 19 September 2014, inclusive. More details here.

The prizes will be awarded on the evening of 26 September, when it will be held a raffle for the participants and other instant prize contests.

In each city you will find a European Union dedicated area , where will be prepared quizzes, a raffle and other surprises.

This year the Researchers’ Nighy proposes two complementary approaches belonging to the two organizing teams:

#Researchers4Humanity, or #RH4, proposes a new approach to the interaction between the general public and researchers world through activities and information on how scientific research contributes to the progress of humanity.

#doyouspeakscience points out that science unites people beyond linguistic or geographical borders and organizes activities to reveal the science that surrounds us in a language understood by all.

About Researchers’ Night

The Researchers’ Night is part of the series of the Marie Curie events, at the European Union level, and aims to show the public what it means to be a researcher and how interesting the research work can be.

The first European Researchers’ Night event was held in 2005 and attracted 1.5 million visitors so far. The event gives to scientists the opportunity to connect with the public and to the public the chance to discover the world of science and the people behind the experiments. The 2013 edition attracted over 40,000 visitors in Romania.

The project addresses to the curious minds, from enthusiastic to skeptical, offering a wide variety of scientific and educational activities.

This edition of Researchers’ Night is organized in Romaniaby the European Union under the patronage of the Ministry of Education, by the two teams:

# Researchers4Humanity – Invenio Association, Active Target Training, Center for Complexity Studies, National Institute for Research in Sports.
#doyouspeakscience – University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Iasi, University of Bucharest, „Babes Bolyai” University of Cluj, University of Craiova, „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, West University of Timisoara, National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation, Institute of Atomic Physics, Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering „Horia Hulubei”, Institute of Space Science, with support from the Ministry of National Education.

In each city, the event is organized in partnership with major players in research, such as Cygnus Association (Suceava), „Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu-Jiu, „Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, „Transilvania” University of Brasov.

For more information visit www.noapteacercetatorilor.eu and www.facebook.com/NoapteaCercetatorilor. To enter the contest visit http://noapteacercetatorilor.eu/concursuri/


A new journey into the world of science at the Researchers’ Night 2014

afisOn 26 September, the Researchers’ Night invites all the curious to take part in a trip to the fascinating world of science. Researchers, engineers, explorers and inventors will be meeting with you in the campuses or downtown areas of the following cities: Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, Constanta, Craiova, Galati, Brasov, Suceava, Bacau, Arad, Sibiu, Piatra Neamt, Tulcea, Oradea and Targu Jiu. Together with them you will take part in unique experiments, exciting conferences and contests with attractive prizes. The program for each city can be found on www.noapteacercetatorilor.eu.

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