Institute of Space Science
Atomiștilor 409, RO-077125 Phone: +(40)214574471
E-mail: buica [at] spacescience.ro
research domains AND Scientific reSults
The behavior of mater
interacting with electromagnetic
fields in new conditions has
multiple applications: in
determining of atomic data of
astrophysical interest such as:
oscillator strengths, ionization
cross sections, scattering cross
sections, etc., in studying the
dynamic of atomic and molecular
processes that take place in a very
short time, in controlling of atomic
and molecular processes through
laser parameters such as: the
relative phase between the laser
components, the pulse durations and
intensities, polarizations, etc., in
developing of high frequency lasers,
in investigating of plasma and
condensed matter properties under
new conditions.
During the last few decades the study of electron-atom
collisions in the presence of an
electromagnetic field has been the
subject of intense research activities, because
of the importance in applied domains such
as astrophysics (it is well
known that the principal mechanisms for
stelar opacity are bound-free and
free-free transitions)
[S. Chandrasekhar, An Introduction to the Study of
Stellar Structure (Dover
Publications, New York, 1967) ; M. J. Seaton, in
Advances in
Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
(Academic Press, New York, 1994)], laser
and plasma physics [Y. Shima and H. Yatom,
Phys. Rev. A
12, 2106 (1975); M. B. S. Lima, C. A. S. Lima,
and L. C. M. Miranda, Phys. Rev. A 19, 1796 (1979)],
or fundamental atomic collision theory, etc. The
analysis of observations made in the ultraviolet
wavelength domain by the Hubble Space Telescope
(HST), Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (HUT), Far
Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE),
Interstellar Medium Absorption Spectrograph
(IMAPS) and Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE)
missions require accurate laboratory
measurements of electron collision cross sections,
ionization cross sections, energy levels and
wavelength positions and oscillator strengths
of the abundant species.
I) Elastic electron-atom scattering in an electromagnetic field (free-free transitions) (in coll. with A. Cionga and F. Ehlotzky)
a) In the low intensity domain of the electromagnetic field
I have studied
free-free transitions in laser-assisted
electron-Hydrogen scattering in a bichromatic
electromagnetic field. I have derived within the
time-dependent perturbation theory an analytical
formula for the elastic differential cross
sections (DCS) for free-free transitions
involving two different photons.
The dependence of the
DCS on the scattering angle and photon energy
was investigated and extensive calculations were
performed in the domain of small scattering
angles, where the dressing of the target is
For the case of
circularly and elliptically polarized fields I
have analyzed the dependence of DCS's on the
helicity of photons. For a superposition of a
linearly and a circularly polarized lasers I
found out that circular dichroism in the angular
distribution can be predicted for the nonlinear
two-photon transitions, if the dressing of the
atomic target by the laser field is treated in
second order of perturbation theory. Of special
interest is that for particular configurations
circular dichroism can be encountered not only
in the differential but also in the integrated
cross sections.
I have studied free-free transitions in laser-assisted electron-Hydrogen scattering in a bichromatic electromagnetic field. I have derived within the time-dependent perturbation theory an analytical formula for the elastic differential cross sections (DCS) for free-free transitions involving two different photons.
The dependence of the DCS on the scattering angle and photon energy was investigated and extensive calculations were performed in the domain of small scattering angles, where the dressing of the target is important.
For the case of circularly and elliptically polarized fields I have analyzed the dependence of DCS's on the helicity of photons. For a superposition of a linearly and a circularly polarized lasers I found out that circular dichroism in the angular distribution can be predicted for the nonlinear two-photon transitions, if the dressing of the atomic target by the laser field is treated in second order of perturbation theory. Of special interest is that for particular configurations circular dichroism can be encountered not only in the differential but also in the integrated cross sections.
b) In the moderate intensity domain of the electromagnetic field
I have studied free-free transitions in
laser-assisted electron-Hydrogen scattering in a
bichromatic field of frequencies w
and 2w. A
semiperturbative approach was used, in which the
projectile-field interaction is described exactly
but the field-target one is described within the
second order perturbation theory.
I have analyzed the
dependence of DCS's on the projectile energy,
scattering geometry, photon energy, polarization
of the field .
I have investigated
in detail the DCS in the domain of small
scattering angles, where the dressing of the
target is important. The effect of the
intensities of the two components of the
bichromatic field and that of their relative
phase is investigated, too. Special attention
was paid to the study of free-free transitions
involving photon energies connected to atomic
I have studied free-free transitions in laser-assisted electron-Hydrogen scattering in a bichromatic field of frequencies w and 2w. A semiperturbative approach was used, in which the projectile-field interaction is described exactly but the field-target one is described within the second order perturbation theory.
I have analyzed the dependence of DCS's on the projectile energy, scattering geometry, photon energy, polarization of the field .
I have investigated in detail the DCS in the domain of small scattering angles, where the dressing of the target is important. The effect of the intensities of the two components of the bichromatic field and that of their relative phase is investigated, too. Special attention was paid to the study of free-free transitions involving photon energies connected to atomic resonances.
c) Elastic electron scattering by excited atoms in an electromagnetic field
have investigated the scattering of fast
electrons by excited Hydrogen atoms (in
particular, in the 2s, 2p or ns
states) in the presence of a linearly polarized
laser field of moderate power such that
target-dressing can be treated within
first-order time dependent perturbation theory.
analyzed the angular dependence of the nonlinear
DCS's, inspecting the contributions of the
various electronic and atomic terms of the
matrix elements. Detailed numerical results are
presented for one-photon absorption revealed
that the scattering process is greatly
influenced by the dressing of the target in
particular at small scattering angles.
I have investigated the scattering of fast electrons by excited Hydrogen atoms (in particular, in the 2s, 2p or ns states) in the presence of a linearly polarized laser field of moderate power such that target-dressing can be treated within first-order time dependent perturbation theory.
I analyzed the angular dependence of the nonlinear DCS's, inspecting the contributions of the various electronic and atomic terms of the matrix elements. Detailed numerical results are presented for one-photon absorption revealed that the scattering process is greatly influenced by the dressing of the target in particular at small scattering angles.
d) Inelastic electron scattering by hydrogen atoms in a laser field. Investigation of polarization effects
analyzed the influence of laser polarization in
electron-impact excitation of hydrogen atoms in
a circularly polarized (CP) laser field. Using a
semiperturbative method new closed form formulas
have been derived for the DCS in laser-assisted
inelastic scattering for 1s-nl
excitation. The detailed numerical data obtained
for the excitation of the n=4 levels by
CP fields indicate that the atomic dressing
effects for inelastic processes are important
and we found a significant increase in the DCSs
at small scattering angles for the s-s, s-d,
and s-f optically forbidden transitions
due to the simultaneous electron–photon
excitation. We have clarified the origin of the
peaks in the resonance structure of DCSs as
occurring due to the dipole coupling of the
initial ground state with n' p states
and of the final excited state with n' l '
(l '= l ± 1) states. we studied the
polarization effects on the DCSs in inelastic
laser-assisted electron-hydrogen collisions
inelastic for the 1s-nl excitation, and
analyzed the influence of laser polarization for
a circularly polarized laser field. New closed
form formulas were derived for DCSs in
laser-assisted inelastic scattering for 1s-nl
excitation, which are valid for both linear and
circular polarization, with the kinematic part
that depends on the scattering geometry and the
polarization vector of the photon clearly
have analyzed the dichroic effect in elastic
electron-hydrogen scattering by a two-color
bicircular laser fields of commensurate
frequencies and moderate intensities and have
investigated the circular dichroism (CD) where
the monochromatic components of the two-color CP
field have identical or opposite helicities. Our
analytical results of circular dichroism shows
the dependence of the DCS on the transition
amplitudes, in a closed form, that allows
further investigations of the dressing as well
polarization effects due to the asymmetries of
the DCSs for co- and counterrotating CP fields.
We analyzed the influence of laser polarization in electron-impact excitation of hydrogen atoms in a circularly polarized (CP) laser field. Using a semiperturbative method new closed form formulas have been derived for the DCS in laser-assisted inelastic scattering for 1s-nl excitation. The detailed numerical data obtained for the excitation of the n=4 levels by CP fields indicate that the atomic dressing effects for inelastic processes are important and we found a significant increase in the DCSs at small scattering angles for the s-s, s-d, and s-f optically forbidden transitions due to the simultaneous electron–photon excitation. We have clarified the origin of the peaks in the resonance structure of DCSs as occurring due to the dipole coupling of the initial ground state with n' p states and of the final excited state with n' l ' (l '= l ± 1) states. we studied the polarization effects on the DCSs in inelastic laser-assisted electron-hydrogen collisions inelastic for the 1s-nl excitation, and analyzed the influence of laser polarization for a circularly polarized laser field. New closed form formulas were derived for DCSs in laser-assisted inelastic scattering for 1s-nl excitation, which are valid for both linear and circular polarization, with the kinematic part that depends on the scattering geometry and the polarization vector of the photon clearly separated.
We have analyzed the dichroic effect in elastic electron-hydrogen scattering by a two-color bicircular laser fields of commensurate frequencies and moderate intensities and have investigated the circular dichroism (CD) where the monochromatic components of the two-color CP field have identical or opposite helicities. Our analytical results of circular dichroism shows the dependence of the DCS on the transition amplitudes, in a closed form, that allows further investigations of the dressing as well polarization effects due to the asymmetries of the DCSs for co- and counterrotating CP fields.
II) Multiphoton ionization of a two-valence-electron atom (in coll. with P. Lambropoulos, L. Nikoloupoulos and T. Nakajima)
I have studied the multiphoton ionization
of a two-valence electron atom in a strong
ultrashort laser field using a nonperturbative
method in order to solve the time-dependent
Schrodinger equation. In this context I have
investigated the total and partial ionization
yields, and the above-threshold ionization spectra
(ATI) of Mg in a Ti:Sapphire laser field when
multiple ionization thresholds are involved in the
ionization process.
I have studied the multiphoton ionization of a two-valence electron atom in a strong ultrashort laser field using a nonperturbative method in order to solve the time-dependent Schrodinger equation. In this context I have investigated the total and partial ionization yields, and the above-threshold ionization spectra (ATI) of Mg in a Ti:Sapphire laser field when multiple ionization thresholds are involved in the ionization process.
I have
studied two-, three- and four-photon
ionization of Mg in its singlet and
triplet ground states 3s2 1S and 3s3p 3P, respectively, by an
ultrashort laser pulse. We have calculated
the two-, three-, and four-photon
ionization cross sections by a linearly
and circularly polarized laser fields.
Both a frozen core Hartree-Fock method and
a model potential were used in order to
describe the interaction between the ionic
core and the valence electrons. The
dependence of the photolectron energy
spectrum on the temporal profile of the
pulse was analyzed. Since the Mg atom has
a dense electronic structure the
photolectron energy spectrum exhibits
interesting features such as intermediate
ATI peaks; our studies showed that the
origin of those intermediated ATI peaks is
connected to ionization from the 3snp 1P (n=3,4,5,...
etc) bound excited states
of Mg.
I have
studied two-photon ionization of Ca in its
ground state 4s2 1S by ultrashort
linearly and circularly polarized laser
fields. The dependence of the photolectron
energy spectrum on the temporal profile of
the pulse was investigated and the
photolectron angular distributions were
calculated. Since the Ca atom has a dense
electronic structure the photolectron
energy spectrum exhibits interesting
features such as intermediate ATI peaks;
our studies showed that the origin of
those intermediated ATI peaks is connected
to ionization from the 4snp 1P (n=4,5,6...
etc) bound excited states
of Ca.
I have studied two-, three- and four-photon ionization of Mg in its singlet and triplet ground states 3s2 1S and 3s3p 3P, respectively, by an ultrashort laser pulse. We have calculated the two-, three-, and four-photon ionization cross sections by a linearly and circularly polarized laser fields. Both a frozen core Hartree-Fock method and a model potential were used in order to describe the interaction between the ionic core and the valence electrons. The dependence of the photolectron energy spectrum on the temporal profile of the pulse was analyzed. Since the Mg atom has a dense electronic structure the photolectron energy spectrum exhibits interesting features such as intermediate ATI peaks; our studies showed that the origin of those intermediated ATI peaks is connected to ionization from the 3snp 1P (n=3,4,5,... etc) bound excited states of Mg.
I have studied two-photon ionization of Ca in its ground state 4s2 1S by ultrashort linearly and circularly polarized laser fields. The dependence of the photolectron energy spectrum on the temporal profile of the pulse was investigated and the photolectron angular distributions were calculated. Since the Ca atom has a dense electronic structure the photolectron energy spectrum exhibits interesting features such as intermediate ATI peaks; our studies showed that the origin of those intermediated ATI peaks is connected to ionization from the 4snp 1P (n=4,5,6... etc) bound excited states of Ca.
III) Control of physical processes in electromagnetic fields
a) Coherent control for the electron-H atom scattering in an electromagnetic field (in coll. with A. Cionga and F. Ehlotzky)
I have investigated coherent phase control in electron scattering by Hydrogen atoms in a bichromatic laser field of frequencies w and 2w. The effect of the relative phase between the components of the bichromatic laser field on the scattering process was analyzed.
b) Coherent control for autoionizing states of Mg (in coll. with L. Nikoloupoulos)
I have studied the coherent phase control of the autoionizing state 3p2 of Mg in a bichromatic laser field of frequencies w and 2w. A motivation for this study was the investigation of the possibility of achieving coherent control of the photoelectron current and the shape of the autoionizing resonance. I have carried out calculation for the multiphoton ionization rate with the laser frequencies chosen such that the ground state of Mg atom is resonantly coupled to the 3s3p and 3s4p levels. The model takes into account a realistic atomic structure and transition amplitudes calculation.
c) Control of laser induced continuum structure of K (in coll. with T. Nakajima)
I have examined how the photoelectron angular distribution (PAD) is altered through laser induced continuum structure (LICS) by the introduction of a dressing laser. We theoretically investigated the effects of LICS on PAD for a specific atomic system: the K atom 4p1/2-6p1/2, and 4p3/2-6p3/2 levels. It turned out that the PAD's are quite different for both systems, and the alteration of PAD by the laser parameters is important, as we expected, and LICS could be used to control the ionization processes.
d) Quantum coherent effects in a Λ-type atom interacting with two short laser pulse trains
I have studied the quantum interference between the excitation pathways in a three-level Λ-type atom interacting with short probe and coupling laser pulse trains, beyond the steady state approximation, under the electromagnetically induced transparency conditions. We have investigated the modification induced by the laser pulse trains in a lambda-type atom in terms of upper excited state population for different pulse areas and different detunings. For resonant laser pulse trains with a rectangular temporal profile we have derived analytical formulas for the population of the upper excited state at the end of the pulse. We have showed that we can control the interaction of a Λ-type atom with two laser pulse trains under the EIT conditions, for small probe pulse area while that of the coupling is moderate, by manipulating certain parameters of the lasers .
IV) Interaction between atoms and frequency combs in time and frequency domain (in coll. with T. Nakajima)
We investigated the
space and time dynamics of a pair of short laser pulse
trains propagating in a medium consisting of three-level
atoms by numerically solving the Maxwell-Schrodinger
equations for atoms and fields. By performing
propagation calculations with different parameters,
under conditions of electromagnetically induced
transparency, we compare the propagation dynamics by a
single pair of probe and coupling laser pulses and by
probe and coupling laser pulse trains. We discuss the
influence of the coupling pulse area,number of pulses,
and detunings on the probe laser propagation and
realization of electromagnetically induced transparency
conditions, as well on the formation of a dark
Laser-assisted (e, 2e) process in
fast-electron–hydrogen-atom collisions
We study the electron-impact ionization of hydrogen at
large projectile and ejected electron kinetic energies
in the presence of a laser field and investigate the
laser-assisted (e,2e) reaction at moderate laser field
intensities. We obtained a closed-form formula for the
nonlinear triple differential cross section (TDCS),
which is valid for linear as well circular
polarizations. Analytical simple expressions of TDCS are
derived in the weak field domain and low-photon energy
Public information:
- Publication List
- Research experience
- Conferences
- Projects
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gabriela_Buica?ev=hdr_xprf
- https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/1374044
Last update: 17 December 2024