Programul de Cercetare-Dezvoltare-Inovare pentru Tehnologie Spațială și Cercetare Avansat㠖 STAR



Proiect  ID:278

Simulator pentru fluxuri de date la bord

Etapa 1:  Software prototype and flow data generator design (decembrie 2014)  



The activities during this phase are:

Ph2.1 Science and slow control data generation requirements definition. The data generation requirements will be defined in conformity with Euclid/NISP instrument characteristics. This activity will consolidate the requirements definition from the previous phase. The corresponding deliverable is the Consolidated Requirements Document.

Ph2.2 Flight Software Design. During this activity the software algorithms for processing the science and slow control data will be defined and designed at the prototype level, according to the requirements. The algorithms developed should perform the preprocessing and the lossless compression of multi-spectral data blocks. The de-compression algorithms, used to validate the lossless compression, will be also  designed. The corresponding deliverable is the flight software prototype.

Ph2.3 Data generator design. During this activity the algorithms for generation of the raw science and slow control data will be designed at the prototype level, in conformity with the Euclid/NISP instrument characteristics.  The corresponding deliverable is the data generator prototype.

The activities from this phase will finalize the definition of the system characteristic proof of concept. 

We foresee that at the end of this phase to reach the TRL=3.