Raportul final al proiectului
All the remaining WPs will complete their activity
during this final phase: WP1.6, “Compression prototype software validation”, WP2.3, “Ground data analysis
according Euclid requirements”, WP3.4, “Cosmological constraints from ISW maps” and WP4.1, “Dissemination”. The
final Phase Report will contain reports concerning the software validation (at
the prototype level) including the Euclid Consortium feedback, the ground based
data analysis (activity that should be continued after the Project completion,
in the frame of the Euclid ground segment activities), WP3.4 will report on the
methodology to build the likelihood probabilities and covariance matrix for
determination of cosmological parameters and the full dissemination report from
WP4.1. Other deliverables are the prototype compression software pack
(including decompression, self-test and test packages and on ground
astronomical data analysis.