Raportarea rezultatelor obtinute in cel de-al
doilea an de activitate al proiectului
During this phase, activities of WPs WP1.5, “Algorithms tests with simulated and real data”, WP2.2. “Ground
observational data software installation and test; data procurement”, WP3.2, “CMB
and LSS numerical simulations” and WP3.3, “Evaluation of cross-correlation
algorithms and ISW map recovery” will be finalized. Work packages WP1.4, “Compression, decompression and self test algorithms
implementation” and WP4.1, “Dissemination”, will be ongoing. WP1.5 will
complete the test algorithms and will send its feedback to WG1.4 for final
adjustement. The test method will be a blind one, WP1.4
receiving no information on the nature of the test images used. The
WP2.2 activities are strongly correlated with similar activities in the Euclid
Consortium. Purchase of software licences is foreseen. WP3.2 will obtain the
CMB and LSS simulated maps for the selected values of cosmological parameters
and WP3.3 will accomplish the application of the cross-correlation techniques
on CMB and LSS templates. The deliverable of this phase will consist
in a Phase Report containing final reports from the completed WPs and short
progress reports from the ongoing ones. It will contain the final algorithm
test report (WP1.5) and final reports from WP3.2 and WP3.3. As the algorithms
developed by WP1.4 will be still under improvement, considering the WP1.5
results, they are not a deliverable of this phase.