Planck mission’s researchers received the „Top 10 Breakthrough of the Year 2013” Physics World award

Planck_CMB_ESA and the Planck Collaboration

The „Physics World” magazine, published by one of the largest physics societies in the world, awarded the researchers working at the ESA’s Planck mission, with the „Top 10 Breakthrough of the Year 2013” distinction for the most precise measurement of the background cosmic microwave.

The distinction is awarded for physics results published in 2013, based on the following criteria: fundamental importance of research, major contribution to a better understanding of the universe in which we live, a strong link between theory and experiment, research of interest to all physicists.

Researchers of the Institute of Space Sciences (ISS) who are involved in the Planck mission are: Dr. Lucia Popa and Dr. Ana Caramete.

More details about the result can be accessed  here.

Image Credit: ESA and the Planck Consortium