ISS researchers will hold seminars for students at the Faculty of Physics

afisStarting April 2015, researchers from the Institute of Space Science (ISS) will hold a Seminar in Astrophysics dedicated to students in the I, II and III year of study at the Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest. Dr. Ioana Dutan, Dr. Gina Isar and Dr. Valeriu Tudose will present current topics related to research in astrophysics alongside researchers from the Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy (IGAR) and the Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering – Horia Hulubei (IFIN-HH).
The seminar takes place at the initiative of Prof. Dr. Mircea V. Rusu and is designed to provide students basic knowledge in the field of astrophysics, necessary for future detailed studies.

The following presentations will be held:

  • Thursday, 23 April: Physics seen on the Sun – Dr. Diana Beşliu – Ionescu (IGAR), starting 15:00;
  • Thursday, 30 April: Astroparticle Physics applied at the Pierre Auger Observatory – Dr. Gina Isar (ISS);
  • Thursday, 7 May: Black holes and active galactic nuclei – Dr. Ioana Duţan (ISS);
  • Thursday, 14 May: 3D reconstruction of Coronal Mass Ejections – Dr. Marilena Mierlă (IGAR);
  • Tuesday, 19 May: Radioastronomy – Dr. Valeriu Tudose (ISS);
  • Thursday, 28 May: Prof. Dr. Mircea V. Rusu (FFUB).

Contact: Dr. Ovidiu Teşileanu (IFIN-HH)

Cercetătorii ISS susţin seminarii pentru studenţii la Facultatea de Fizică

afisCercetători din cadrul Institutului de Ştiinţe Spaţiale (ISS) vor susţine începând cu luna aprilie 2015 un Seminar de Astrofizică dedicat studenţilor din anii I, II şi III de la Facultatea de Fizică a Universităţii Bucureşti. Dr. Ioana Duţan, Dr. Gina Isar şi Dr. Valeriu Tudose vor prezenta alături de cercetători de la Institutul de Geodinamică al Academiei Române (IGAR) şi Institutul de Fizică şi Inginerie Nucleară – Horia Hulubei (IFIN-HH) teme curente de cercetare în domeniul astrofizicii.

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