World’s largest particle collider, Large Hadron Collider at CERN, is ready to restart

LHC. Image credit: CERN

Update 25.03.21015: CERN announced that the LHC restart was postponed due to a short circuit. Current indications suggest a delay of between a few days and several weeks. Further details are available here.

World’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator, CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is gradually restarting after two years of maintenance and upgrades costing €124m. LHC is now ready to explore new realms of particle physics over the next three years at a collision energy of 13 TeV[1], a significant increase over the initial three-year LHC run, which began with a collision energy of 7 TeV, rising to 8 TeV. The first circulating beams of protons in the LHC are planned for the week beginning 23 March, and first 13 TeV collisions are expected in late May to early June.

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Applications open for the International Workshop and School on solar system plasma turbulence, intermittency and multifractals, 6-13 September, Mamaia

poster_storm2015-page-001Applications are open for the “International Workshop and School on solar system plasma turbulence, intermittency and multifractals (STORM 2015)”, which will be organised by the Institute of Space Science (ISS) from 6 to 13 September 2015 in Mamaia, Romania. The abstracts can be submitted until 15 June 2015 by completing the online form available here.

The “Solar system plasma turbulence, intermittency and multifractals” workshop and school is organised as a series of daily tutorial lectures followed by invited and contributed talks. The lectures focus on fundamental plasma turbulence and waves, the micro-/macro-structure and turbulence of the solar wind, the nonlinear dynamics of the planetary magnetospheres and geomagnetic field.

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Dr. Vlad Popa, ISS Secretary of Science, invited at the “Sound of Science” radio show


Update 23.02.2015: The podcast is available here.

Today, 20 February 2015, starting 12:00, Dr. Vlad Popa, Secretary of Science at the Institute of Space Science, attends the „Sound of Science” show on Gold FM (96.9 FM), where he will talk about the ANTARES Experiment (Astronomy with a Neutrino Telescope and Abyss Environmental RESearch) and the KM3NeT international cooperation (KiloMeter Cube Neutrino Telescope).

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Applications now open for Alpabach Summer School 2015

Quantum_Physics_and_Fundamental_Physics_in_Space_-_Alpbach_2015The Institute of Space Science (ISS) invites the Romanian university students to apply until 31 March 2015 for the 39th edition of the annual Alpbach Summer School, which will be held from 14 to 23 July 2015, and will focus on “Quantum Physics and Fundamental Physics in Space”.

60 students and graduates in engineering and science from ESA’s Member and Cooperating states will be selected to participate in this year’s edition of the Alpbach Summer School, an event which aims to foster the practical application of knowledge derived from lectures, to develop organisational and group skills and to encourage the creativity of the participants.

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Goodbye, Venus Express!

Credit imagine: ESA / C. Carreau
Image credit: ESA / C. Carreau

ESA’s Venus Express has ended its eight-year mission after far exceeding its planned life. The Institute of Space Science participated in the mission with a project under the ESA PECS – Programme for European Cooperating States, after Romania became an European Cooperating State in 2007, status ratified by Law no. 1/2007. ISS researchers focused on the kinetic investigation of the Earth’s and Venerian plasma layers.

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Cercetătorii ISS, protagoniştii lucrării “Astrofizicienii”, câştigătoare la Premille Superscrieri 2014

luizavLuiza Vasiliu, editor la Casa Jurnalistului și Dilema Veche, a câştigat unul dintre cele două premii Superscrierea Anului 2014, la cea de-a IV-a ediţie a Premiilor Superscrieri.

Lucrarea câştigătoare, “Astrofizicienii”, a fost inspirată de întâlnirea cu trei dintre cercetătorii Institutului de Ştiinţe Spaţiale, Nicuşor Arsene, Laurenţiu Caramete şi Octavian Micu, toţi membri ai Laboratorului de Cosmologie şi Fizica Astroparticulelor.

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The Institute of Space Science’s GRID Infrastructure, declared of national interest


The ISS GRID system for research in physics and related fields has been declared of national interest as a result of Government Decision no. 786/2014 on approving the List of installations and objectives of national interest, funded by the Ministry of National Education.

A Grid is a distributed computing  infrastructure that enables  the common use and sharing of computing resources, storage and other resource types. Grids use the resources available at a time on several separate computers, interconnected via a network, to solve CPU [1] or storage intensive problems.

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Dr. Gina Isar, live on Radio România Cultural

photoPaula Gina Isar, researcher of the Institute of Space Science, is invited by Mihaela Ghita at the Radio Planet – Scientific Universe show, which will be broadcasted live today, on Radio Romania Cultural, starting at 5:05 p.m..

On this occasion they will discuss the role Romania has within the Pierre Auger Observatory international collaboration and the important contributions that our country can have in the next 10 years to this collaboration, of which is a part since 13 March 2014

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