ISS researchers will hold seminars for students at the Faculty of Physics

afisStarting April 2015, researchers from the Institute of Space Science (ISS) will hold a Seminar in Astrophysics dedicated to students in the I, II and III year of study at the Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest. Dr. Ioana Dutan, Dr. Gina Isar and Dr. Valeriu Tudose will present current topics related to research in astrophysics alongside researchers from the Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy (IGAR) and the Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering – Horia Hulubei (IFIN-HH).

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Cum s-a văzut eclipsa partială de Soare de la Institutul de Științe Spațiale

2015-03-20 13.06.53Astăzi, 20 martie 2015, a avut loc o eclipsă totală de Soare, vizibilă din România doar ca eclipsă parţială, Soarele fiind acoperit în proporţie de numai 43%.

Cu această ocazie, angajaţii Institutului de Ştiinţe Spaţiale au scos în curte instrumentele necesare pentru a observa acest fenomen. Au participat la eveniment Sound of Science, copiii de la Grădinița din Măgurele şi colegii de la alte Institute de pe Platforma din Măgurele.

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Applications open for the International Workshop and School on solar system plasma turbulence, intermittency and multifractals, 6-13 September, Mamaia

poster_storm2015-page-001Applications are open for the “International Workshop and School on solar system plasma turbulence, intermittency and multifractals (STORM 2015)”, which will be organised by the Institute of Space Science (ISS) from 6 to 13 September 2015 in Mamaia, Romania. The abstracts can be submitted until 15 June 2015 by completing the online form available here.

The “Solar system plasma turbulence, intermittency and multifractals” workshop and school is organised as a series of daily tutorial lectures followed by invited and contributed talks. The lectures focus on fundamental plasma turbulence and waves, the micro-/macro-structure and turbulence of the solar wind, the nonlinear dynamics of the planetary magnetospheres and geomagnetic field.

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PhD. Gina Isar holds a seminar at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest regarding the Pierre Auger Collaboration

AUGER Surface Detector
Image source: Pierre Auger Observatory/Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

PhD. Gina Isar, Research Scientist tear II at the Institute of Space Science and institutional representative (ISS) at the Pierre Auger Observatory, will hold a seminar at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest on 5 March 2015. She will talk about the international collaboration that ISS joined as a full member in March 2014.

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Starwalker Seminars – 2nd Edition: „Management of informational interaction in the soma-psyche complex and in relation to the environment”, 25 February 2015

1 (1)On 25 February 2015 the scientific conference on „Management of informational interaction in the soma-psyche complex and in relation to the environment” took place at the premises of the Institute of Space Science, within the General Starwalker Seminar. The conference was held by Eng. Vlad Văleanu, PhD, Director of the Competence Centre in Space Technologies for Human Spaceflight Support – Starwalker.

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Dr. Vlad Popa, ISS Secretary of Science, invited at the “Sound of Science” radio show


Update 23.02.2015: The podcast is available here.

Today, 20 February 2015, starting 12:00, Dr. Vlad Popa, Secretary of Science at the Institute of Space Science, attends the „Sound of Science” show on Gold FM (96.9 FM), where he will talk about the ANTARES Experiment (Astronomy with a Neutrino Telescope and Abyss Environmental RESearch) and the KM3NeT international cooperation (KiloMeter Cube Neutrino Telescope).

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Starwalker seminars – „Psycho-neuro-motor approach in understanding and developing Human Performance”, 21 January 2015

3The scientific conference on „The Psycho-neuro-motor approach in understanding and developing Human Performance” took place on 21 January 2015 within the General Seminar Starwalker, at the Institute of Space Science premises, and it was presented by Prof. Dr. Pierre de Hillerin, member of the Competence Centre in Space Technologies for Human Spaceflight Support – Starwalker.

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ISS researchers invited at the „Cafeneaua de ştiinţă” show at Radio Romania Cultural

cafeneauadestiinta1dec_medium_2On Monday, 1 December 2014, the researcher of the Institute of Space Sciences (ISS), Valeriu Tudose, was present along with his colleagues Mihaela Marin and Alexandru Nistorescu to the 9th edition in 2014 of the “Cafeneaua de ştiinţă” show, moderated by Corina Negrea. The show was held under the slogan „The Romanian youth of science. Dreams, projects, certainties” at the Cişmigiu Humanitas Bookstore, between 19.00 – 21.00, live audio and video on all frequencies of Radio Romania Cultural and online, on

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Dr. Gina Isar, live on Radio România Cultural

photoPaula Gina Isar, researcher of the Institute of Space Science, is invited by Mihaela Ghita at the Radio Planet – Scientific Universe show, which will be broadcasted live today, on Radio Romania Cultural, starting at 5:05 p.m..

On this occasion they will discuss the role Romania has within the Pierre Auger Observatory international collaboration and the important contributions that our country can have in the next 10 years to this collaboration, of which is a part since 13 March 2014

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The Institute of Space Science is participating at the ASTRONET workshop

Astronet LogoToday, 19 November 2014, the Institute of Space Science participated at the ASTRONET workshop, during which representatives of the major actors in astronomy in Romania met with the Working Group 3 ASTRONET.

The purpose of this ASTRONET visit was to analyse the situation of astronomy research and professionals astronomers in Romania and to discuss how Romania could integrate into the European astronomy better, but also join organisations such as ESO or similar.

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