Flag raising Ceremony for Romania at CERN


On 5th of September 2016, in the Globe of Science and Innovation at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, takes place a great ceremony in the presence of His Excelency Mr. Klaus Iohannis, President of Romania, including national institutional representatives and romanian scientists, marking the accession of Romania as a Member State of CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research, the world’s leading laboratory for particle physics).

This is a memorable day, since Romania became the 22nd Member State of CERN on 18th July 2016.

However, bilateral contacts began back in 1991, when a scientific and technical cooperation agreement was signed between CERN and the Government of Romania, establishing the legal framework for later developments. Presently, Romania has particularly strong involvement in several LHC experiments, like ATLAS, ALICE and LHCb, with main contributions from the National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering “Horia Hulubei” and the Institute of Space Science (ISS).

ISS is part of the ALICE Collaboration since 2006, and has a long-standing experience in the study of Quark Gluon Plasma produced in heavy ion collisions at relativistic energies. The ISS-ALICE group, consisting of 6 physicists and 3 guest scientists, has various activities related to jet and flow analysis, offline production management and software service tasks, GRID maintenance and operation in frame of the ALICE Collaboration. ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is one of the four large experiments operating at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), dedicated to study the properties and behaviour of the strongly interacting matter, at the very high temperatures and energy densities reached in ultra-relativistic collisions.

Pierre Auger Observatory continues operations for another decade — Romania takes part at the International Agreement signature ceremony

AugerPrime-symposiumOn 16 November, Dr. Paula Gina Isar, researcher at the Institute of Space Science (ISS) and institutional representative at the Pierre Auger Observatory, took part together with other Romanian researchers at the signature ceremony of a new International Agreement for continued operation of the Observatory until 2025. The event took place during the AugerPrime Symposium, which was held from 15 to 16 November 2015 in Malargüe, Argentina, to celebrate 15 years of achievements and the AugerPrime upgrade to the Observatory. The International Collaboration counts about 450 scientists from 16 countries and 82 institutions. Former associated country during 2011-2014, Romania became a full member state of the largest cosmic ray experiment in the world in 2014.

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Workshop on ESA’s Earth Observation Programme

OrganizatoriThe Institute of Space Science (ISS) in collaboration with the National Institute for Research and Development in Optoelectronics (INOE2000) and the National Institute for Aerospace Research „Elie Carafoli” (INCAS) are organising today, 3 November 2015, the workshop „Romanian projects and initiatives in support of the ESA Programme for Earth Observation”. The event is taking place in the conference room of the Romanian Atmospheric Observatory (RADO) on the Physics Magurele platform, 409 Atomistilor Street, Magurele, Ilfov.

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The „Lights of the World” international conference has started in Bucharest

Deschidere IYLRomania joins the international celebration of the International Year of Light 2015 and the 70th anniversary of UNESCO and is organising the „Lights of the World”conference from 30 October to 1 November at the Parliament Palace in Bucharest. The event will bring together personalities from Romania and from abroad, people with outstanding resultsin science, art and culture, UNESCO representatives, representatives of prestigious organisations and research centers from around the world, successful businessmen, but also tho interested public, including middle- and high-school students and teachers, researchers and university professors, who will engage in a creative and fruitful dialogue to promote the scientific universe.

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Alantykron Academy Summer Camp, 31 July – 9 August 2015, Constanta

logo_starwalker_v2The Institute of Space Science (ISS) represented by the Competence Centre in Space Technologies for Human Spaceflight Support (STARWALKER), is partner in organising the Alantykron Academy Summer Camp, which will run from 31 July to 9 August 2015 at 20 km from Cernavoda, in Constanta county. Children, parents, youth, teachers, artists, scientists from around the world will meet for 10 days to discuss and learn together about the world of science, together with researchers and other renowned professionals, during a truly unique lifetime and educational experience.

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Registrations are open for „Lights of the World” conference, Bucharest, 30 October – 1 November 2015

Logo_IYL2015In the context of world celebrations for the International Year of Light 2015 and the 70th anniversary of UNESCO, the „Lights of the World” conference will take place in Bucharest at the Parliament Palace during 30 October – 1 November 2015. Starting 1 July and until 15 October registrations are open to interested people, including middle- and high-school students and teachers, researchers and university professors, engineers etc.

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Gina Isar was invited as speaker to the mini-science fair organised by the Ştiinţescu Fund Bucharest

11425509_915020338559540_2356154727951192501_oGina Isar, PhD in physics, Scientific Researcher tier II at the Institute of Space Science (ISS) and one of the finalists of the sixth edition of the L’Oréal – UNESCO “For Women in Science” program was invited as speaker at the mini-science fair organised for the first time by the Ştiinţescu Fund on Wednesday, 17 June 2015, from 9:00 to 12:00. Hundreds of secondary school students came at Casa Universitarilor together with their teachers to learn about cosmic radiation, to understand better some simple phenomena with applicability in everyday life and to create the premises of a professional horizon in science.

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ISS celebrates the International Astronomy Day in the Herăstrău park together with Science & Technology magazine!

11174803_842368829164311_7880960011046645477_nThe Institute of Space Science (ISS) answered the call of the Science and Technology (S&T) magazine to celebrate the International Astronomy Day on Saturday, 25 April, between 16:30 and 23:00 in the Herăstrău park. The ISS researchers will bring a telescope next to the other instruments brought by the organisers in the Herăstrău park at the entrance of Charles de Gaulle Square, to provide astronomical observations for the general public and to answer any questions about space.

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