Cercetător al Institutului de Științe Spațiale, premiat de Uniunea Europeană pentru Geoştiinţe

DSC_9198Cătălin Negrea, cercetător al Institutului de Ştiinţe Spaţiale (ISS) în cadrul Laboratorului de Plasmă Spaţială şi Magnetometrie a câştigat premiul pentru cel mai bun poster prezentat de un student (Outstanding Student Poster — OSP), în urma conferinței anuale a Uniunii Europene pentru Geoştiinţe (European Geosciences Union — EGU) care a avut loc la Viena în perioada 27 aprilie – 2 mai 2014.

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The Institute of Space Science, present at the „Space: the Last Frontier” conference during Bucharest Science Festival 2014


Researchers from the Institute of Space Science (ISS) are invited to hold presentations at the „Space: the Last Frontier” conference, organized by the ASUR Association today, 25 September at 5 p.m. in the Aula Magna room of the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law (36-46 Mihail Kogălniceanu Blvd.)

During the conference there will be discussed three main areas:

  • What are the direct benefits of space exploration? How does it improve everyday life here, on Earth?
  • How does the astronomy, astrophysics and space exploration contribute to the progress of human knowledge?
  • Who are the people who have ventured into the unknown? What are their stories, their dreams, how is their life?

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Institutul de Științe Spațiale, prezent la Conferința „Spațiul: Ultima Frontieră” din cadrul Bucharest Science Festival 2014


Cercetătorii de la Institutul de Ştiinţe Spaţiale (ISS) sunt invitați să susțină prezentări în cadrul conferinței „Spațiul: Ultima Frontieră”, organizată de Asociația ASUR astăzi, 25 septembrie, ora 17:00 în sala Aula Magna a Universităţii din Bucureşti, Facultatea de Drept (Bd. Mihail Kogălniceanu nr. 36-46).

În cadrul conferinţei se vor aborda trei mari zone de interes:

  • Care sunt beneficiile directe ale explorării spaţiale? Cum ne îmbunătăţeşte viaţa de zi cu zi aici, pe Pământ?
  • Cum contribuie astronomia, astrofizica şi explorarea spaţiului cosmic la progresul cunoaşterii umane?
  • Cine sunt oamenii care s-au aventurat în necunoscut? Care sunt poveştile lor, care le sunt visele, cum le arată viaţa?

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The program of Institute of Space Science at Researchers’ Night 2014


On 26 September, at 5 p.m. in Bucharest, Tineretului Park, Șincai entry, the Space Science Institute’s researchers await for you at the Researchers’ Night 2014 to start together the adventure in the world of science.

Here are the areas and activities that you can experience at the ISS booth, coordinated by researchers willling to share with the public years of experience:

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Researchers’ Night 2014 – The European celebration of science in Bucharest

Afis Bucuresti NC2014

The launch pad is installed, the propulsion engines are ready, the journey begins!

On 26 September, at 5 p.m. in Bucharest, Tineretului Park, Şincai Entry, start your journey in the world of science at the Researchers’ Night 2014.

All travelers are invited to take the desired seat and to take part in an adventurous travel route into the world of real researchers. This year edition provokes all visitors to become passengers involved in the world of science in the four main areas of the event.

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A new journey into the world of science at the Researchers’ Night 2014

afisOn 26 September, the Researchers’ Night invites all the curious to take part in a trip to the fascinating world of science. Researchers, engineers, explorers and inventors will be meeting with you in the campuses or downtown areas of the following cities: Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, Constanta, Craiova, Galati, Brasov, Suceava, Bacau, Arad, Sibiu, Piatra Neamt, Tulcea, Oradea and Targu Jiu. Together with them you will take part in unique experiments, exciting conferences and contests with attractive prizes. The program for each city can be found on www.noapteacercetatorilor.eu.

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A new journey into the world of science at the Researchers’ Night 2014

afisOn 26 September, the Researchers’ Night invites all the curious to take part in a trip to the fascinating world of science. Researchers, engineers, explorers and inventors will be meeting with you in the campuses or downtown areas of the following cities: Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, Constanta, Craiova, Galati, Brasov, Suceava, Bacau, Arad, Sibiu, Piatra Neamt, Tulcea, Oradea and Targu Jiu. Together with them you will take part in unique experiments, exciting conferences and contests with attractive prizes. The program for each city can be found on www.noapteacercetatorilor.eu.

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