The Romanian Space Agency has signed the ESA Multilateral Agreement for the Euclid mission

ESA_Euclid_MLA_signatories_SPC_nov2013_ESA – N. Imbert-Vier

Press release of the Romanian Space Agency.

On November 29, 2013, the Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) has signed the multilateral agreement for the Euclid mission during the European Space Agency (ESA) Scientific Programme Committee, held in Paris. Scheduled for launch in 2020, the Euclid mission will map the shape, brightness and 3D distribution of two billion galaxies, aiming to identify the role of matter and dark energy in the evolution and expansion of the universe.

The Euclid Multilateral Agreement establishes the legal framework for the development of Euclid mission’s scientific instruments and the development of the ground infrastructure, and it was concluded between ESA and the funding agencies from 11 European countries participating in the Euclid mission. Romania was represented at the agreement signing by Dr. Dumitru Hasegan, from the Romanian Space Agency.

In the Euclid Consortium, Romania is represented by the Institute of Space Science (ISS), while the ISS’s Euclid working group is coordinated by Dr. Lucia Aurelia Popa. Consortium Board member since the early stages of the mission, Ms. Lucia Popa acts as a national contact point. To find out more about the ISS’s Euclid group, please visit this page and for details about each activity, please watch this short video presentation.


Image: The 11 signatories of the Multilateral Agreement for the Euclid mission, Paris, November 29, 2013. Credit: ESA – N. Imbert-Vier

Video: ISS Euclid group: Dr. Lucia Aurelia Popa, Dr. Vlad Popa și Dr. Ana Caramete. Credit: ISS