Dr. Vlad Popa, ISS Secretary of Science, invited at the “Sound of Science” radio show


Update 23.02.2015: The podcast is available here.

Today, 20 February 2015, starting 12:00, Dr. Vlad Popa, Secretary of Science at the Institute of Space Science, attends the „Sound of Science” show on Gold FM (96.9 FM), where he will talk about the ANTARES Experiment (Astronomy with a Neutrino Telescope and Abyss Environmental RESearch) and the KM3NeT international cooperation (KiloMeter Cube Neutrino Telescope).

PhD. in Physics, Mr. Vlad Popa has been a member of the ISS team since 1983, and since January 2002 he has occupied the position of Secretary of Science at the Institute. During the period December 2002 – February 2006 Vlad Popa worked at INFN – Bologna, and in June 2006 he returned at ISS as Scientific Secretary. A complete CV is available here.

“Sound of Science” is a Gold FM radio show broadcasted from Monday to Thursday between 10:00-13:00 and on Fridays from 12:00 to 13:00 with a special edition. The show is moderated by Petru Stratulat and Sorin Badea, who discuss live the latest issues in science together with experts – scientists, researchers, scholars, explorers etc.

The 20 February podcast will be available after the show on www.SoundofScience.info.

Dr. Vlad Popa, Secretar Ştiinţific ISS, invitat la emisiunea “Sound of Science”


Update 23.02.2015: Podcastul este disponibil aici.

Astăzi, 20 februarie 2015, Dnul. Vlad Popa, Secretar Ştiinţific în cadrul Institutului de Ştiinţe Spaţiale, este prezent începând cu ora 12:00 în platoul emisiunii “Sound of Science” pe Gold FM (96.9 FM), unde va vorbi despre Experimentul ANTARES (Astronomy with a Neutrino Telescope and Abyss Environmental RESearch) şi despre colaborarea internaţională KM3NeT (KiloMeter Cube Neutrino Telescope).

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