Dr. Gabriela Buica
Research Scientist I-
Institute of Space Science
Atomiștilor 409, RO-077125 Phone: +40214574471
Bucharest-Magurele, Romania Fax: +40214575840
E-mail: buica [at] spacescience.ro
Contributions to Scientific Conferences
XX International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Vienna, July 1997, Target Dressing Effects in Free-Free Transitions in Hydrogen: Two-Color Two-Photon Processes (in coll. with A. Cionga),
BPU-3, 3rd General Physics Conference of the Balkan Physics Union, 2-5 September, 1997, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Two-color Free-Free Transitions in Laser-Assisted Electron-Hydrogen Scattering (in col. cu A. Cionga),
Research Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation on Photo-Induced Nonlinear Dynamics in Strong Laser Fields, Haifa, Feb. 1998, Phase-Effects in (n+1)-Color Two-Photon Free-Free Transitions in Laser Assisted Electron-Hydrogen Scattering (in coll. with A. Cionga),
16th International Conference on Atomic Physics ICAP XVI, Windsor, Aug. 1998, Electron-Hydrogen Scattering in a Trichromatic Laser Field: Phase Effects (in coll. with A. Cionga), p. 417,
The 7th International Workshop on Laser Physics, Berlin, July 1998, Target Dressing Effects in Electron-Hydrogen Scattering in Bichromatic Fields (in coll. with A. Cionga),
Ultraintense Laser Interactions and Applications-1, Elounda, Greece, May 1999, Electron-Hydrogen Collisions in a Bichromatic Field at Moderate Intensities (in coll. with A. Cionga),
The 8th International Workshop on Laser Physics, Budapest, July 1999, Free-free Transitions in Electron-Hydrogen: Second Order Field-Induced Corrections to the Elastic Line (in coll. with A. Cionga),
The 8th International Conference of Multiphoton Processes, Monterey, USA, Oct. 1999, Circular Dichroism in Free-Free Transitions at High Scattering Energies (in coll. with A. Cionga and F. Ehlotzky),
International Workshop and Seminars on Atomic Systems in Extreme Fields, Dresden, March 2000, Circular Dichroism in electron-Hydrogen Scattering in a Bichromatic Field (in coll. with Aurelia Cionga and F. Ehlotzky),
Atoms, Molecules and Quantum Dots in Laser Fields: Fundamental Processes, Pisa, Italy, June 2000, Elliptical Dichroism in Angular Distribution for Laser-Assisted Electron-Hydrogen Scattering (in coll. with Aurelia Cionga and F. Ehlotzky),
International School of Quantum Electronics: 30th Course: ATOMS,SOLIDS AND PLASMAS IN SUPER-INTENSE LASER FIELDS, Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice, Italy, July 2000, Dichroic Effects in Free-Free Transitions (in coll. with Aurelia Cionga and F. Ehlotzky),
NATO Advanced Research Workshop: SUPER-INTENSE LASER-ATOM PHYSICS-SILAP 2000-Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium, Sept 2000, Elastic electron scattering by an excited atom in a laser field (in coll. with Aurelia Cionga and F. Ehlotzky),
International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (ICOMP) IX, Elounda, Greece, October 2002, Multiphoton Ionization of Magnesium in a Ti-Sapphire laser field (in coll. with L.A.A. Nikolopoulos and P. Lambropoulos),
International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (ICOMP) IX, Elounda, Greece, October 2002, Coherent phase control in autoionization of Magnesium by a bichromatic laser field of frequencies w and 2w (in coll. with L.A.A. Nikolopoulos and P. Lambropoulos),
International School of Quantum Electronics: 37th Course: ATOMS,SOLIDS AND PLASMAS IN SUPER-INTENSE LASER FIELDS, Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice, Italy, July 2003, Coherent phase control in autoionization of Magnesium by a bichromatic laser field of frequencies w and 2w (in coll. with L.A.A. Nikolopoulos),
International Workshop and Seminar: RYDBERG PHYSICS, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik Komplexer Systeme Dresden, Germany, April 19 - May 14, 2004, Rydberg states of Magnesium in laser field,
IAMPI2006 International Conference on the Interaction of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas with Intense Ultrashort Laser Pulses, Szeged, Hungary, 1-5 October, 2006 : Origin of the side peaks appearing in the above-threshold ionization spectra of Mg (in coll. with T. Nakajima).
ICPEAC XXV International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Freiburg, Germany, 24-31.07.2007 Spin-orbit effects in electron-hydrogen-like ion elastic scattering in a laser field (in coll. with T. Nakajima).
CEPAS 2008, 4th Conference on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems, Cluj- Napoca, Romania, 17-21.06.2008, “Above-threshold ionization of calcium by linearly and circularly polarized laser pulses”.
Advanced Workshop: Spin and Charge Properties of Low Dimensional Systems, IFIN-HH and ICTP-Trieste, Sibiu, Romania, June 2009, “Multiphoton ionization of calcium by linearly and circularly polarized laser pulses”.
CEPAS 2011, 5th Conference on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems, Belgrade, Serbia, 21-25 June 2011, “Propagation of a laser pulse train under electromagnetically induced transparency conditions”
Advanced many-body and statistical methods in mesoscopic systems, Constanta, Romania, 27 June-02 July 2011, “Propagation of a laser pulse train under electromagnetically induced transparency conditions”
ICPEAC XXVII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (Belfast, United Kingdom, 27 July- 2 August 2011, “Propagation of a laser pulse train under electromagnetically induced transparency conditions”
ICPEAC XXIX International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (Toledo, Spain, 21 - 28 July 2015, “ Laser-assisted inelastic electron scattering by excited hydrogen atoms ”
International Conference on Multiphoton Processes
(ICOMP) XIV, Budapest, 24-27 September 2017, Symmetries
in elastic scattering of electrons by hydrogen atoms
in two-color bicircular laser fields
European Group on Atomic Systems
EGAS50, Kracow, 9-13 July 2018,
Circular dichroism in electron-hydrogen
scattering in a two-color bicircular laser field
37th European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon Portugal, 15-21 Sept. 2024, (e, 2e) ionization of hydrogen by fast-electron-impact in an elliptically polarized laser field
Public information:
- Publication List
- Research experience
- Conferences
- Projects
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gabriela_Buica?ev=hdr_xprf
- https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/1374044
Last update: 17 December 2024